Week one module completed successfully

Hello folks, I just completed week one modules and I feel like this is a fantastic course John Crestani teaching. I really enjoyed week one modules because John goes over everything step by step and very slowly. One thing I noticed that some of the things does’t match with John’s videos because the websites like (bluehost or facebook) changed their web pages so I had to find them by myself. Another thing you have to pay for your facebook add, John crestani doesn’t mention in the modules, so don’t freak out it’s alright. After all I learned a lot and lot. Thank you very much John Crestani, You are the best.

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good going. I have been having problems with getting my website done as the videos dont show what is really happening. Im now having problems with having my website work correctly. Any help would be appreciated. And again…Good Job!

Hey @expandwithdoug

We have some step by step tutorial PDFs to help you get your website and presell pages set up.

You can access them here:


If you need any help, don’t forget you can reach out to our support desk :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone. My name is Ven and I’m new to this training. I’ve set up the website and launched facebook ads. This was 5 days ago now including the weekend. I’

I’ve had 5000+ impressions and have reached an audience of 5000+ 2000+ views 17 click throughs to the site but no sales as yet. I’ve spent $80.00 so far and have had some terrible posts from people who have watched the video. The audience is a mixed bag of individuals Sabrina warned this is normal as its the nature of the platform. (Facebook) Looking forward to the release of week 2.

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There are always negative comments no matter what you’re selling/proposing. Just don’t let them discourage you :slight_smile:

I finished week 1 as well yesterday. my ad was not approved at first, then i sent the letter in resources from Legal and they approved the ad. I have had a few negative responses from FB people but that is the nature of Fb. I have another FB business page and have had challenges with selling that product so am hoping what I learn here will help with that product. I ahve not hd any sales so far but am hoping that will change over the next few days. Good luck ven51.

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