FB ads disapporval

Hi Everyone, please below the reason FB gave me for disapproving my account and my add. It seems that the bots they have checking these ads are confused. This ad was set exactly the way John instructed. “This ad isn’t running because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that promote adult products or services, such as sex toys, sexual enhancement products, or sexual videos and publications, as well as images or videos that show nudity.”

What to do next : We suggest checking that your image or video, text, and destination link are compliant.

If you’ve read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team

Mine was disapproved for not following policy, MLM, “get rich quick scheme” and so forth. I have appealed, but this is rather discouraging start. I have also been reading peoples success, or lack thereof, for these ads and it has me rather down after all the money spent.

Initially my FB ads were all disapproved so I ran about $30 of ‘like my page’ to my business page and $20 using exactly the engagement ad that FB suggested (they took an image from a website linked to my business page). Then I ran an ad based on some of John’s tv appearances. Once I’d done this (?showed some compliance) it was easier to get a variant of the SAS FB ad to run. Maybe this warming up of FB helped. I was building up experience of FBs approval envelope.

My new page is linked to my longtime page and personal accounts where I have already spent over 1000 USD. This shows as another one of my many ads, although the other ads are related to a blog site.

Facebook is not allowing John’s add to go through anymore because apparently it’s been used too much. This is what they sent me after I appealed. image

Does John have any other ads that we can publish or what else can be done about this?

Hi @brianab7.

Delete that Campaign and create a new one.

Rename the 4 videos that John gave us for FB marketing and create new campaign with new Campaign name then upload the same videos (with new file name).

Customize the video don’t put the shot in which John is showing his Click Bank sales.

I’ve uploaded all 4 videos (for testing) and they often approve it.

So far, videos B, C & D were most viewed.


@brianab7 @bnicholson, keep going, keep appealing, FB didn’t approve any of my ads at first either. I’m not sure which post in this forum suggested this, or I would give them credit, but what I did, was created an ad, exactly the same as John shows, (which was denied, I got a whole lot of different reasons) but I just hit the duplicate ad, and that one was approved, exact same ad, no revisions
 FB is finicking!!
Also, from what I have heard and been reading as well, don’t be surprised if FB approves an ad, then denies it in a couple of days
:roll_eyes: just keep moving forward! Slow and steady wins the race!! :money_mouth_face:

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I’m sorry I can’t be more of a help, as I am super new as well. I can only say, keep trying. That is what I did, and finally they (FB) approved it. I’m not quite sure how many times I had to do it, but lots
 maybe some seasoned FB peeps will chime in to give you another angle? Good Luck! Just moved keep moving forward!

OK. You guys give me really hope. They did not even disapprove my ad they cancelled my account straight away. But I’ll go back and just do it over.


Congratulations :blush::blush::blush:
Good luck on your sales

I used Google Pay to pay Google. Since this method works else where I can not see why this is the problem. I inquired of them days ago, with no response.

Hi Everyone, my name is Marina! Just started a couple days ago. Everything is going good so far. However like everyone it seems I cant get my FB add approved. Had made some changes still no luck. Any suggestion?

I have made changes and many appeals, but still no ad.


This ad isn’t running because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that promote unclear, misleading, “work from home”, MLM, get rich quick or deceptive employment opportunities.

Facebook first approved the ad I posted, ran for almost a week. Cost $90, than FB disapproves ad and suspends my account.
I disagree with FB with my reasoning. They reinstate my account and say my ad should be good to go.
duplicate the ad and it does no get approved.
The ad came right from Clickbank- John’s Super Affiliate System.

Also, there sure are alot of people that have alot of bad to say about you John.


and who and what are they saying about John?

You’ll find a lot of trolling comments on social media, it’s just the nature of the platform.

I wouldn’t let these comments get to you.

Here are some tips for getting your Facebook and Google ads approved.

Submit your Appeal to Facebook

If using Clickfunnels, check to make sure that you have deleted the split test funnel.

Facebook ads do not allow ads promoting MLM, work from home or get rich quick schemes. Submit the following template provided by Rodney Kim on the forum


Google Ad Rejection Rebuttal letter

John’s lawyer has put together a letter for sending to FB and Google if they disapprove ads based on the MLM policy violation. A legal statement that you can send stating compliance. Legal disclaimers have also been added to the bottom of the webinar optin page.

If any ad or acct gets disapproved, send the text in the footer of the presell page to them, with the links.

The letters for Google and Facebook can be downloaded by clicking the link below


John’s system is a step by step course meant to take you through the start to finish of setting up your affiliate business. And while Google is one of the options it is not by any means the only option. John recommends not spending too much time in any network you are having an issue with. Also this month you’ll be seeing the following

Snapchat Ads: A snapchat ads expert, and friend of John’s will be showing SAS students how they can post ads and affiliate links on Snapchat

Solo(Email) Ads: An SAS student who is seeing great results and 500% ROI from solo ads will be doing exclusive training showing how you can buy email solo ads and profit

Print Advertising: A top affiliate marketer will be showing how you can buy tiny little ads in targeted newspapers and magazines such as The National Enquirer and The Globe for super cheap (As low as $5!) and link to an affiliate offer and profit

Direct Mail: An expert in direct mail marketing will be showing SAS students how you send letters and postcards to targeted lists of consumers, how to acquire those lists, and profit.

Native Ads: John will be doing some exclusive trainings on how you can post little ads on native ad networks, and profit

Another option students are having good luck with is Bing ads.

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This is an answer from Facebook:

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Completed week 1 - a great feeling of satisfaction. Unfortunately soured, like for so many others before, as my ad was disallowed by FB - initially claiming discrimination and asking me to confirm I had read and understood the rules. Currently waiting on the appeal.