The result of a week running ads in Facebook and google

This is the result that i got in google campaing…


Now, i would like to know if somebody have a better or worse result.
Thank you

Hello elsabret2020. Mine look the same. The main problem is that we cannot use the buyer’s list. At least not after 90 days. That makes it a bit more dicier. We have to figure out how to implement the right audience. I used the instructions John gave but still have no sales. The ctr is terrible as well. John is busy with a solution. Well lets juggle around with the audiences and see what pops out. I cannot get the Hilton teaching open as well. Says that I am not allowed to have it.


After numerous tries and disapprovals, I finally got my ad approved. I figured, let me try and do the lookalike audience which I had tried several times before and unable to. I was able to build a lookalike audience, didn’t do anything differently, just kept at it. My fear was putting the audience in my ad, getting disapproved but 1 hour later it was approved. I was at it on and off for 3 weeks. don’t give up!!

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I have had the same lack of success. To me it is a lot of money for zero results.


My Google and Facebook results look about the same as yours Elsabret2020. I finally got one Conversion yesterday. What I noticed in reviewing my ad was that with only $20, I ran out of posts quickly and those were occurring at 1 AM. I don’t know if that was PST or time at a location, but I thought that time was not optimal, so I change the time to only post during daylight/evening hours not the early AMs. I got the hit after I changed the tiime. Don’t know if that made a difference, but who knows at this point. No sales yet though,

I, too, have had the same lack of success. The amount of money I’m spending on this so far is way to much for me! I may have to cancel the ads because the outgoing costs keep rising and there are no incoming funds.

Martin, I can’t get the Hilton or the previous gift open either. It says invalid access. I do wish someone could try out the links before John gives them to us!

Hello, I am not having any conversions either. Spending alot of money and time . Nothing to show for it.

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I am not allowed the Hilton either. I am on week 4. John’s link is not working.

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I fear I will have to give up soon. I can not get a facebook ad approved and now it will not even upload a video. My Google account was suspended so I am spending money and have no ads running anymore.

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I have suspended all of my ads except for the YouTube one for now. I just got a charge from Google for $300. I cannot afford this. I only got one conversion and no sales.

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This seems a bit low. A few months ago on 9/28/18 John showed some stats from someone on staff that had 20 sales in 2 weeks. You may want to go in the webinar archives and see if you can watch that video. It may be mis-dated so check the videos dated the week before or after. It was about 20 minutes into the webinar. In the stats they had 11 hops per order form submission. John also explains how to interpret the stats… like what makes a service call, etc.

You have 19 hops and no form submissions or server calls. Honestly I don’t know how many clicks the staffer paid for the 7,000+ hops he had but John said it averages 300 hops per order. I don’t think your clickbank links are registering. You paid for over 493 clicks so even if you had a 5/1 ratio with 493 clicks you should have around 100 hops.

Do you have unique tracking IDs for each of your ads? Then when you look at your stats by Tracking ID instead of by Vendor you can see which campaign/ad generated the hops.

Setting up unique tracking ID’s is easy to do. When you create your affiliate links just include your campaign title on the end and number -1, -2, -3 for each of your ads in the campaign. Make sure to test your links in your ads to make sure they are tracking as hops

I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

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Hi azgram20,

I paused my accounts, but I am only putting off the inevitable. I am going to have to suspend my ads as well. As of now my costs for these 2 ads are up to $492.66 from Sunday and Monday the beginning of this week until I paused them during the wee hours of today, Friday, 1 March.
It is becoming more and more clear to me now that it takes money to make money. I don’t have that kind of money. That’s why I scraped together the $997 + tax for this SAS Course, because John had me thinking I could make lots of money with this SAS Course. Please, don’t anyone tell me I must do the work. I have been putting 8 - 12 hour days into this. I am not just sitting here listening to videos. I’ve been following John’s videos as step by step as I could, but as a lot of others here have mentioned you just can’t go step by step because where John tells you to go in the videos is not there. It’s a completely different page. When you tell the support people that, it seems as though they don’t know what to say to fix it. No offense to anyone. I’m sure everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have.
I am NOT a quitter, and I’m not afraid to do the work, but I do think I’m old enough to know when my goose is cooked. It may even be approaching over cooked!

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Hi Helen, I know what you mean. I can not get much further into this if I want to pay the rent and eat and get the meds I need. It may be just as well that facebook ads were never approved. My google ads and You Tube ran a few days then they suspended my account and I can not get good info from them, but after 40,000 views and a hundred clicks, there are no hops, no sales. It looks like a few get lucky from the start and everyone else has little or no success to start. I can not pour in thousands before I get a result. Like you, I have worked many hours a day and followed the instructions perfectly. Where facebook and google changed screens, I fugured out the difference. I am sad to have lost so much here.


I am sad to have lost so much here.

Hi, Try the “Internet Jetset” archived course that focuses on free traffic.

A John Crestani (with others) training course on generating free traffic called “Internet Jetset” is in the “Archived Courses” section of the Resources Links area (top menu item is “Resources”). This was $70 signup and then $47 per month for the Friday lives when sold a couple of years ago.
You may find good for you the module on free traffic from an Authority Site (ie usually a site having reviews of what you are promoting but can be just niche related articles). See also another module training on setting up a free YouTube channel to build authority and attract traffic (this is also fun). This is a much slower process than paid ads but is a way to start without an ad budget. Results are variable but many have been successful. What it is costing is your time rather than your dollars.
This also would help you to build a personal brand for longer term stability of income.
The course includes a section on finding your niche for the authority site.

PS only cost beyond the website you have already is an autoresponder (like Aweber) about $19 per month and maybe a niche relevant domain name ($15 per year) although possibly your SAS course domain name would be OK. So $19 per month costs ongoing.


Hi richjake2.

My e-mail address is [email protected] Please send me yours!

Thanks, I will give it a go in my free time. Google has sent me another warning so I think that avenue is dead. Now I will concentrate on free ebay listings. I must sell some things to recover from my losses here. I will work other avenues when I can.

@parkavehelen I am at [email protected]

I was approved by FB for a few days then the ad was disapproved. I appealed it but the disapproval remained they said due to the landing page.

I was also approved on GoogleAds for everything then 2 days later was disapproved and suspended. I am appealing that now but was unable to do the Youtube ad yet due to the current suspension.

While the ads were up I had no success. :frowning:

You may send the legal letter to them both in which copy is in the resources area.

Hi Sue!

I don’t really understand about the tracking id. I advertising on mgid, if you have done for it, the guy from mgid asked me about the tracking and conversion set up. Because i’ve spent more than $300 but only got 3 hops. I have to admit I don’t understand all this process, hopefully I don’t create any mistakes esp in setting up everything that makes me have no sales.