The result of a week running ads in Facebook and google

Hi Sharinesses, sorry it has taken a while for me to get back to you. I’ve had my head buried in a project. I’m not sure what mgid is. I’m kinda new at this too. A simple way to setup tracking is to have a unique landing page for each ad and each landing page has a unique affiliate tracking code that setup in Clickbank .

Keep the landing page the same (just duplicate it for each ad) and just make different ads. Otherwise you won’t have a “control” in your testing and you won’t really know which ads are working if the landing pages are throwing other variables into your testing.

  1. setup a spreadsheet so when you setup your tracking id’s in Clickbank you know what they are for and paste the code that you are going to embed into your landing page.
  2. establish a nomenclature so your tracking id’s are in order 1,2,3.

Here is an example of what I set up when I was promoting RedTeaDetox:

After you setup your tracking id’s and landing pages test everything BEFORE you start running your ads. If you are running a FB ad you should be able to click the Preview URL button and it will show you the landing page and that should show up as a HOP in Clickbank.

Where I made my big mistake is my Quiz landing pages didn’t have my affiliate tracking ids embedded. I spent weeks trying to figure out how to encode my tracking id in the quiz page and then I finally gave up on promoting the QUIZ.

According to Clickbank’s Website these are the possible stages of a transaction:

  • Hop – When a customer follows a HopLink to your Pitch Page. Data on hops is displayed in the Hops section. ClickBank filters out hops that come from automated sources.
  • Order Form Impression – When a customer follows a Payment Link to your order form. Data on order form impressions is displayed in the Order Form Impressions section. ClickBank filters out Order Form Impressions that come from automated sources.
  • Sale – When a customer correctly and completely fills out the order form, and no fraud or payment issues occur. Data on sales is displayed in the Sales section.
  • Refund or Chargeback – If a customer requests a refund, or claims through their bank or credit card company that the charge was fraudulent. Refunds and chargebacks can be viewed separately, and they are factored into the Net Sales view.

So from what I understand if you are running an Ad and someone clicks on the ad and lands on your landing page that should be a hop. But to be honest with you. I stopped running FB ads because they were charging me for clicks that weren’t showing up at Hops on Clickbank and that didn’t make any sense to me.

Hope this helps.

Hi Sharinesses, sorry it has taken a while for me to get back to you. I’ve had my head buried in a project. I’m not sure what mgid is. I’m kinda new at this too. A simple way to setup tracking is to have a unique landing page for each ad and each landing page has a unique affiliate tracking code that setup in Clickbank .

Keep the landing page the same (just duplicate it for each ad) and just make different ads. Otherwise you won’t have a “control” in your testing and you won’t really know which ads are working if the landing pages are throwing other variables into your testing.

  1. setup a spreadsheet so when you setup your tracking id’s in Clickbank you know what they are for and paste the code that you are going to embed into your landing page.
  2. establish a nomenclature so your tracking id’s are in order 1,2,3.

Here is an example of what I set up when I was promoting RedTeaDetox:

After you setup your tracking id’s and landing pages test everything BEFORE you start running your ads. If you are running a FB ad you should be able to click the Preview URL button and it will show you the landing page and that should show up as a HOP in Clickbank.

Where I made my big mistake is my Quiz landing pages didn’t have my affiliate tracking ids embedded. I spent weeks trying to figure out how to encode my tracking id in the quiz page and then I finally gave up on promoting the QUIZ.

According to Clickbank’s Website these are the possible stages of a transaction:

  • Hop – When a customer follows a HopLink to your Pitch Page. Data on hops is displayed in the Hops section. ClickBank filters out hops that come from automated sources.
  • Order Form Impression – When a customer follows a Payment Link to your order form. Data on order form impressions is displayed in the Order Form Impressions section. ClickBank filters out Order Form Impressions that come from automated sources.
  • Sale – When a customer correctly and completely fills out the order form, and no fraud or payment issues occur. Data on sales is displayed in the Sales section.
  • Refund or Chargeback – If a customer requests a refund, or claims through their bank or credit card company that the charge was fraudulent. Refunds and chargebacks can be viewed separately, and they are factored into the Net Sales view.

So from what I understand if you are running an Ad and someone clicks on the ad and lands on your landing page that should be a hop. But to be honest with you. I stopped running FB ads because they were charging me for clicks that weren’t showing up at Hops on Clickbank and that didn’t make any sense to me.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Suedocross,

When you have your FB ad set up, and it’s running, if someone clicks on your FB ad, that person is taken to your landing page (the one we got from John). Now, if someone enters their details into the form by clicking the button: ‘Send Me The Online Trainingplus agreeing to the 3 questions, last question being: "You Agree to Pay It Forward’, that’s when 1 ‘Hop’ will register. On the other hand, if someone comes to the landing page from your FB ad; and either leaves or only hits the ‘Sign Up For The Free Training’ button without progressing any further, no Clickbank ‘Hop’ will register. In either scenarios, you’re still charged by FB for the above 2 clicks. So, if your FB ad shows you had 100 clicks and your Clickbank vendor id or tracking id only shows 10 Hops, that means that from the 100 people that FB sent to your landing page, only 10 completed the sign-up process, which would register the 10 Hops. Hope that clarifies and helps a little.

Kind regards,


Hans, thank you for the explanation. Just to be clear, FB is only charging for the click that takes the visitor to the landing page. They are not charging for clicks the visitor makes while on my landing page. So for example, Visitor Sara clicks on my Facebook ad and goes to John’s landing page with 3 questions. If Sara answers all 3 questions and then hits the “Sign Up” button and registers for the training, how many clicks is FB charging me for? 1 click or 4 clicks?

It doesn’t make sense for FB to charge me for clicks made by the visitor while on my landing page, however I still can’t explain the huge difference in the # of clicks FB is charging me for and the number of hops. For example when I was promoting SAS I had one campaign (after I turned off mobile) that had 264 clicks and only 65 hops. That’s a 4:1 ratio.

I had to stop running FB ads because I was paying almost $2/click.

I started promoting other products and when I test my landing pages each time someone goes to my landing page it counts as a Hop in CB. I feel better about this because technically the number of clicks to my page should equal the number of Hops. Is there a reason on the SAS Survey page that it doesn’t count as a Hop until the person completes the Survey?

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