Making Money with Solo Ads?

Is anyone making money from solo ads?

I’ve been doing solo’s for a couple of weeks now, all my clicks are in and haven’t made a single sale and as far as I can tell no one it even following through to the order page. I’ve probably spent over $750 over the past few weeks promoting both SAS and a Crypto Investing course and no results from it.

I got nothing from promoting SAS so tried promoting the other offer because it was a lower ticket offer based on some advice I’ve read on the forum here that lower ticket offers might convert better with solos because it is ‘colder traffic’

Very frustrating when I’ve followed the videos to the letter and you see someone talking about how they only spent $150 on solos and made close to a thousand dollars and I’ve spent 5x that amount and haven’t made anything

Just trying to figure out if I am doing something wrong here, or if solo ads just aren’t worth it anymore or if anyone is actually making money promoting SAS



Hugh, I’ve recently ran some solo ads with udimi.

The entire goal for solo ads (at least for me) is to get users to opt in so that you can start building an email list. The whole purpose of this is to convert cold traffic into warmer traffic using follow up emails that you can send to your list. It’s very rare to see conversions just off of purchasing the solo ad cold traffic. Look into building your email list and I believe John talks a little bit about this in week 1 of the course.

I personally have not yet made any sales with solo ads and I myself am still figuring out how to build my email list. But from my understanding the purpose of it is to build a relationship with your subscribers and continue to promote your products through the list. From a buyers perspective, would probably ignore one email, but if I saw more emails promoting a product, I’d be more likely to buy.

I hope this helps!


That’s not the way it’s advertised in the videos on the week 1 course though. It’s pitched as, “you run a solo ad, paste your clickbank affiliate link for SAS into the solo ad and make money”

There’s nothing that I saw from the week 1 training videos that talk about building an email list

And I’ve emailed the support staff from SAS and they say they don’t offer training on building an email list so I am very confused

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me neither i haven’t make any $$ at all , i run solo adds , google adds n youtube add , now ill try facebook add n lets see what happen

Hi Guys. Regarding the email list, I’m working on a guide which includes a step by step video and some recommendations, about how to start your own email list and get first subscribers, to promote to :slight_smile:

Who knows, you could have your own Udimi advertising business!

About efficiency of the SoloAds, @avfarm05, as I replied to you in a different thread, it is definitely an unpredictable advertising method, yet we do have customers that managed to get sales with them!

I do recommend spending your advertising budget on Google & Facebook ads though, rather than Solo Ads, to start with. The solo ads are a ‘first dip in the sea’ to give you the option to start advertising right away and have a chance at success :slight_smile:


There you go! I just wish I had looked deeper into this before buying solo ads.

That is a really good point that I am just realizing right now after buying 2 solo ads. I don’t know how to get the addresses so I can send follow up email to get the potential clients further interested and surfing on momentum to lead to sales. I have a website already with Bluehost with a presell page for SAS and I am having a hard time installing the WP for John’s click funnel for SAS explained in week 2. The course example for that is only covering the process in coolhandle, not with Bluehost in wich the Cpanel is different. I bought solo ads at Udimi and I connot follow up to convince potential buyers, unless John’s Crestani’s funnel is automatically making follow up emails…I doubt it? I just hope I’ll find out eventually.

Anyway, my point is that I don’t think anyone should buy solo ads and follow the ‘‘Do the work’’ advised in their first week training unless you already have a website and a click funnel set up good and tracking the emails (Optins). Otherwise I think it is just fishing and hoping to be ‘‘Lucky’’ to catch a fish with no incentive at all. Waste of money and time if you ask me. The course should say to wait till you are well set up for tracking before you buy Solo ads. This part of the course in week one is very deceiving and unfortunate.

Now I feel I have to really get the information myself!


Yeah I agree, the Week 1 of the course is very misleading. It leads you to believe if you buy solo ads you start making money right away. And while yes you may get lucky and make some money right away but the funnel created for SAS definitely does not seem to be set up to make you money right away. I cannot see where the funnel actually leads the prospective buyer through the funnel and to an order page where you actually make a sale.

I am very confused


Hi orfreedom99. I totally agree with you. I think that is why the Bryon Biscoe’s vids were followed by Solo Ads Setup vid. I placed two solo ads yesterday and after doing so realized that nothing was going to come of it because I didn’t have capturing emails set up. Total waste of money.


I agree HughGardner. I think this part of the course could have been structured a little better.


I Agree with all of you!

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hi guys,does anyone know if i should from one solo ADS or should I test different solo ads . thanks

I would not spend money on solo ads right now if I were you. I have gotten a lot of feedback that solo ads don’t work well for making direct sales. They are best for building an email list and marketing to that list later on.

So unless you have knowledge on how to capture those emails and build that list I would save your money and keep learning for now.

I have spent about $750 buying solo ads and following the steps in week 1 to the letter and didn’t make a dime


Thanks for the advice, I just finished week 1 training and thought I better just check the forum before running my first solo ads. I am still very confused about the process of it and don’t feel confident enough to just dive in. Hey while i’m here, can anyone view week 2 training? I completed all of week one but can’t seem to move onto week 2. Thanks

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Is there a way to filter out Mobile/Tablet traffic on Udimi or Iggor before we buy the clicks? Meaning the Ads only go to Desktop/Laptop users?

Some sellers can filter others can’t. Just email the seller first and ask

I am glad to have read all of this before I jumped in and did this myself. I was planning on getting some solo ads set up but now I am thinking twice about it. I most likely will commit more of my budget to FB and Google as recommended to start.

Thankful for all of the input! :slight_smile:


Guys, we are reading your messages and are aware of some of the points that you are rightfully making, we do appreciate your feedback as well. We will be looking at re-structuring our course to fit your needs and expectations better. However, in the next weeks you are presented with additional ways of advertising which work better :slight_smile:


Thank you!!! :grinning:


Thanks Hugh for starting this thread. I think it will be good if John and his team clarify the purpose of doing solo ads … to get one’s feet wet in IM and to manage one’s expectations. Or simply do away with this and do what works for the majority of marketeers

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I am also not able to view the second week. Did you get access to the Week 2