How to submit the FB Legal pdf letter to the FB disapproved Ad

Let us know how it works for you, Doug!

i received several disapproved notices after trying various images, videos, and copy and was told to copy/paste the legal letter text Sabrina offered (not the PDF) and Facebook approved the adsā€¦i was flooredā€¦:astonished:

Thanks for your reply Sabrina, however I think it is too late as I got a letter from Facebook saying that it is too late and the decision to ban my account is final.

However for anyone reading this I believe the reason this happened is because I spent too little on the campaign. In order to save money I chose to be billed by click, not by impression, so my entire campaign ended up costing me $2.50. Also I did not block the two negative comments on the campaign fast enough.

However I studied some more and I found Johnā€™s solution for this problem here:

So therefore I will open up a brand new ad account for FB once my Week 5 Advanced FB Tactics module opens up. Hopes this helps anyone reading this.

Oh ok thanks Sabrina. It appears to be too late however because after trying several times I got a letter back from FB that the decision is final and I should not try to appeal again and that my account is permanently banned.

For the benefit of others I think I should mention that I think the reason this happened is because I did not block the negative comments on the campaign fast enough and also more importantly, I chose to be billed per click NOT per impression. So FB has very little tolerance for me as my whole campaign only cost me $2.50. I believe also if I had spent more there would be more allowance for me to advertise.

Either way after studying a lot more I found Johns handling for this situation right here:

So I am just going to create a brand new ad account once my week 4 opens up.

Here are my numbers after 24 hours:
CTR 0.662% In my experience this is very poor. I generally expect at least 2% and have reached as high as 8%. But Iā€™m brand new at affiliate marketing, so maybe the CTR in this arena is a lot lower.
Clicks: 2
Hops: 0
Impressions: 302
Spend: $17.450

So far, the two clicks have come from business page administrators.

This data is way too scanty to draw any serious conclusions. Whatā€™s interesting is that the reach is only 263. This suggests that the targeted audience was not active on FB yesterday. Not surprisingly, the two clicks came outside of normal work hours, one early in the morning, the other during lunch. That seems normal for this target audience. These people have jobs and canā€™t fuss around on Facebook during the day.

This is a numbers game and I believe the trick is in having good audience targeting, a good ad that has a good CTR, and a compelling landing page. Once CTR is optimized, we know that targeting and ad copy/image is working. Then we examine how to optimize the pre-sell page.In this case, I am trusting that John has optimized the pre-sell page so the work is in increasing CTR. Itā€™s a process and takes time.