How to submit the FB Legal pdf letter to the FB disapproved Ad

Good 4U!
On the roll now.
Wishing you best of luck, and hope you do not face the same fate I am now facing, acct is blocked after it was approved after the letter submitted.


Did you account get blocked, you lost your account?

since morning today.

can you never access it again?

not sure yet, waiting for review and probably more demands, the after approving were saying I need to edit the ad for too much text in the image, and when I went in to replace the image, immediately it was rejected and frozen. They then went to asking me to provide more details on me, then requested I upload a picture of myself, then they locked it up and I keep getting a MSG that I can’t access my acct, it is being reviewed.


Ok, sounds annoying i really hope that you get unlocked

Hope so too, sooner than later time is of the essence!
While on the subject, could you access your link on Explorer besides Chrome, my page comes up but without video in Explorer.

yh mine works everywhere


after this step: 1. Click on the “Edit Ad” button.

i can’t find: 2. Click on first button (box) “Ad follows the Facebook rules”

can you please explain according the new facebook today

In my case there is no “Attachment” button in the “Request Review” form. There is a button for “Add follows policy” and a comment field, but no button for “attachment”.

Hi Hatim,
I don’t see those options in my Facebook. I am operating on a laptop computer rather than mobile device. Would that be why I can’t see “Go to personal news feed”?

Having the same issue, dont see any attachment option to attach the letter. Please help!

Hello all!
Same issues here
June 16
can’t find the:
Click on first button (box) “Ad follows the Facebook rules”
Any updates anyone?

Here is the legal letter in txt format that you can copy and paste into your FB appeals:

Hope this helps!

didn’t work
they replied back within minutes

spent all day getting this all set up yesterday
very frustrating
if we know FB is a pain
why are we using it?

Hey I had no trouble finding and downloading the letter, however I cannot seem to find where in FB to upload it to. Any help would be much appreciated.

I just re-submitted for review without even attaching the letter and it was approved in minutes!

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OK I’m a bit lost here. My account is flagged for policy violations and I can now longer run ads, edit ads etc. I am locked out of my account. Again I have no problem downloading the letter to send to FB, but WHERE in Facebook do I send it? There is nowhere anywhere I can include an attachment. I’m not discouraged I just need a little help on this, I am going to keep at this until I see some results no matter what, I need additional income and I have perseverance.

If I need to create a brand new account to be able to use Facebook again then I just need someone to tell me that and I’ll do it. But I think FB is one of, if not the most important marketing portals and after having only one click on the ad and 2 negative comments my account is locked. I would appreciate some guidance on this.


If you send me an email to [email protected] I can send you a txt version of the letter you can copy and paste into your appeal :slight_smile:

EDIT: I have uploaded it to the Google Drive (see post above). You can copy and paste it into the box when you appeal to FB.

The problem with the SAS presell ad seems to be John’s video. I replaced the video with a generic video that supports the message that I bought on The ad was approved in 20 minutes. I’ll run the ad for 7 days at $20/day and see what kind of traction it develops. In my years of FB advertising, I have learned that the secret to approval and high CTR are ads that look like posts, do not look like ads, and are not in your face. Not sure if that is consistent with the philosophy of SAS. I’ll see soon enough if this modified ad drives traffic to the pre-sell page.