How to submit the FB Legal pdf letter to the FB disapproved Ad

When you receive the email from Facebook saying “Your Ad isn’t approved” with the Alert sign “The following ad needs your attention” followed by the “EDIT AD” button. here is what I did to submit John Crestani’s “Legal” pdf letter (You can find this letter under the tab "Community, Legal Resources, Facebook Policy Violation):

  1. Click on the “Edit Ad” button.
  2. Click on first button (box) “Ad follows the Facebook rules”
  3. This will display a box where you can enter ‘optional’ data like: “John Crestani has a legal letter indicating that his training and courses do not violate Facebook policies. I am respectfully submitting this letter to you for your review using the attachment feature below. Thank you for your help in this matter.”
  4. Below the “Displayed Box” you will find the button “Attachment”. Click on the “Attachment” button to upload John Crestani’s “Letter to Facebook.pdf” file.
  5. Click on “Submit” button.
    And that should do it.

Please let us know how this worked out. All the best Nigel

Has this actually worked for anyone?

Facebook went as far as to completely disable my account to where I cannot even edit my ads. Personally, I think the tutorials for all advertising platforms should promote something besides SAS. This whole issue would be avoided. Many facebook users have aversions to these sorts of ads and accounts are likely getting banned due to people reporting them as much as administrators choosing to do so. I have no problem promoting SAS, but perhaps a more generic item should be used for the sake of teaching. I don’t know. But I’m a long time FB user, since like 2008, and my ad account gets banned immediately. That’s not fair. Needless to say I’ve been very frustrated.


@NedwinP Despite the videos being technically within FB T&C, you are correct that many FB users and FB staff have an aversion to these sorts of ads and disagree (the videos where money is being flashed in your face).

That said, you can promote almost any product using John’s tutorials and it does not need to be on the FB platform. Keep the same presell landing page you have. Replace the SAS video with the video for whatever other product you are promoting (you need to go out there and find other products to promote). Product authors will give you videos to promote their products. They’ll give you copy too. Punch that into the presell template.

My guess is that John will come out shortly with less aggressive videos
 like his old ones. In the meantime I am working on other marketing projects and keeping an eye out for new SAS videos.

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Asking for review and submitting the letter didn’t work for me. John says elsewhere on the forum it seems to be 50:50 working. Nigel

Hello everyone, newbie here. I am having some issues with my FB business account and stumbled upon this post. I’m not sure why this post is still even up since there is no “Legal Resources” folder under the Communities tab any longer so where is this letter now?

Hi! The legal letter is in the Resources tab.

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I second that 101%.


Just click the magnifying glass upper right, write legal letter to FB, it will come up.


To upload the legal letter into FB:

  1. Click the down arrow next to your profile pic/image in menu bar.
  2. When it extends down choose “go to personal news feed”
  3. In the lower middle of the page you will see a text box with “attachment” written below in gray
  4. Write a MSG that you are attaching the legal letter to help clarify the matter
  5. Click send.

Hope this helps, I just did the same and waiting for an update from FB.


I could not find the letter, using your guide, please help

My bad, link is displayed below in replies.


I chosed the first option but i came to the forum as i was before i don’t see any PDF format files here

Hello Mehdi,

Can you log into your FB acct?

Yeah i can that’s not a problem, but i need that pdf attachment, which i can’t find anywhere my ads got disaproved twice using johns video guide

Click or copy/paste the link below, you should access the pdf format:

I am new to this as well and just learning as I go.

ah!! i i found it in resources, you should just have told me instead of getting it there instead of in comunity

All you need to do at this point is log into FB, go to your profile picture at the top, click the arrow down besides it, then click your news feed, when it opens up scroll down to the middle of the page or some where there, you will see a text box, below it in gray is the upload button of the pdf.
Write your MSG in the box and attach and send.
