How to Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself! Where are you from, what do you currently do for a living, and what are your goals?!


I am Shridhar from India. I am a developer. My goal is to estalish the revenue stream for myself which can bring 77777 USD per month regularly from the affiliate marketing within 6 months


Hi, I’m Sharon from Toronto, Canada, I’m recently downsized from the corporate Fortune 500 world, where I used to lead HR functions. I’m thrilled at the idea of becoming an affiliate marketer / online businessperson. My goal is to make a big whack of dough helping good people connect with good products. I have an end net worth goal of $5 Million+. Plan to work at this for 10 years in order to get there. Maybe even create and sell a few of my own products along the way, too!


My name is David Bell. I live in the UK in Rushton Spencer which is 30 miles south of Manchester. I am a self employed planning engineer. I currently work in Birmingham, which is 65 miles away. My normal daily commute is 5 to 6 hours.

It will be good to work from home permanently as an Affiliate Marketer


My name is Claude, from Long Island New York got tired of being a couch potato, retired since 2013, saw an opportunity to work from home. I am brand new and I am not Tech Savvy. I will most likely be asking questions often. Thank You in Advance.


I love your plan Sharon. Very similar to mine. Let me know if there is anything I can do to support your journey to success.

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Hi everyone. My name is Kevin from Victoria, BC, Canada. I have spent the last few years grinding as an engineer. I am fully committed to creating freedom as an affiliate marketer. My goals are to recover my initial investment in under 30 days, make 100K in my first year, and break $1M in under 5 years by connecting people with fantastic, problem-solving products.


Hello everyone, I’m Philip from Singapore, now semi-retired previously worked in property development leading a team to project manage in Singapore and India. My objective is to build an income stream from affiliate marketing for the next 3 to 5 years and then cash out.


Hello, All! Scott Here from Vermont. Work hard and best of success to all!


Hi Shridhar, I like your 77,777 USD per month. Very specific. Very felicitous and auspicious!


Hi, I’m Clint from Idaho, USA. I’ve been trapped in the I/T world for too many years. I want to free my wife and I to just have the time to live life. Then I want to make $21K/month in my online business.


Hi I’m Mel from Australia. I am a stay at home mum and would like to earn an income to help support my family. I would like to be able to make 5000 a month by Jan 2020 and build up from here. I would also like to have a valuable skill I can pass on to my children. Nice to meet you all.


Hi Mell I am also a stay at home mom nice to meet you here


Hi there! Im Yvonne from Woods Cross Ut. I just turned 23 years old and am the mother to a beautiful, month old baby girl. Im just at home and want to bring in my own income and be able to help my husband pay the bills, along with being able to buy him nice things and surprise him with snow boarding passes and hockey game tickets. he’s quite skeptical about all this so Im working so hard to get my first commission so i can wave it in his face with humble conceit! haha I’m kidding but my main goal for the next 2-3 months is to bring in $4,000 a month and after I’ve reached that just take it higher and higher till I generate at least 100K a month. Ive only been apart of all this for about a month and I’ve stumbled quite a bit but where there’s a will there’s a way! and dayum do I have a will! good luck to everyone out there and hopefully I’ll see y’all in the future at the events ! :fist_right::fist_left:


Hi everyone,

My name is Patrick.
I live in Winnipeg, Canada.
Getting started again into Affiliate Marketing and plan to be very successful this time round.
I am putting everything I have into this…
Looking forward to this Awesome journey with you beautiful people!

Lets do this

call me Sky


Hi everyone !
I am Fernanda Estrada from Mexico
I have been online for some years selling online marketing tools mainly, now I am really excited to go into affiliate marketing with John Crestani´s Super Affiliate System !


Scott Bradley from Vermont - Own a company that works in microbiology. Love internet marketing - and this is a fun and interesting course!


Hi My name is Leesa Janssen. I am living in Colorado. I am a registered nurse where my specialty WAS in the ER. but as you can imagine that is a very high stress place to work and after 16 years of being in such a place I chose to do something else. I believe that something else is working from home or actually anywhere I want to be! I am believing in JC and his SAS! I plan to do the work and be a success!! I am currently working in Boulder, Colorado doing infusion for a wonderful owner/boss whom I very much respect and adore. These infusions are helping people get healthier homeopathically rather than the western way of medication. Something I truly believe in!! My goals are to have freedom, flexibility, time to go after my passions of learning and teaching and helping others also find freedom and flexibility in their lives as well as good health! Without being healthy life can be pretty treacherous and no fun at all! Also being awoke by an alarm clock and stressing over getting bills paid can be HORRIBLE! So to start my goal is completing this training and getting money coming in and my short term goal for money is 10,000/month. which will basically pay my monthly bills and start paying off my debts consistently! Long-term financial goal 100,000/month! Thank you JC and wife for giving me and others this opportunity to copy his success and his tools to get me there along with many others!! Thank You I am so very grateful!


Hi Sky

Welcome !! I too am new to SAS and I am so very grateful for this opportunity! I am excited to get know others here as well! Love your name nickname Sky! Was going to name my daughter star but instead it is Starlee! Good luck with this endeavor and may it change our lives for the better!!

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Hi Fernanda Welcome and I love Mexico! Good luck with this endeavor I am sure it will change our lives for the better!