How to create a new YouTube Account once banned?

My Youtube Account is banned and I’m forever banned from creating any new accounts forever. I didn’t mean to, but somehow my fast typing skills in comments on related videos in my niche, in a concentrated window of 45 minutes, got me flagged and banned. And I wasn’t even copying and pasting. I was just doing commenting on related videos and making cold contacts and linking my site. (Based off of coaching I learned from other online marketers.) Apparently, this is a big no! And this is spam. Which I didn’t realize this was if I truly was adding value, etc, and a solution to people’s problems. But, alas, it’s spam. I tried to appeal, but I received the banned stamp.

I did some digging on Reddit, and other places online, and it seems YouTube/Google are very serious about not allowing blocked and banned accounts to create new accounts.

Do any of you have experience with this? I’m pretty sure once you’re banned, your IP is put on a list and it’s not as easy as creating a new facebook account etc. I researched into how to change my MAC IP address, but I’m not sure how that will affect all of my websites I have online, so I haven’t changed it yet.

Does anyone have any tips or experience with this? Should I just use a new computer?

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O No!! :confounded:That super sucks @GoldieLuxxe!! I wish I had a solution for you! I hope you are able to resolve it without having to use a new computer! Good luck!

If it is really important for you to have another youtube account.

  1. unplug your modem for 30 minutes, then plug it back in. you should have a new ip at that point.

  2. create a new email account, then youtube account. (don’t use your name if the account that got banned used it)

  3. don’t upload the same videos you had on your old account, create new ones with new titles.

  4. happy new youtube account.

  5. good luck