Hi! I'm Patrick from Greece (actually British!)

Greetings everyone! Just got started and ready to dive in full steam ahead. I’m in Thessaloniki Greece and currently work in Branding, but looking to expand. It feels comforting to have so many others wanting to expand around me. Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

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welcome to the community Patrick


Welcome on board Patrick! :smiley:


Hello, I am new also. Best of luck!

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Thanks everyone! I hope you’re keeping safe and enjoying the course as I am :slight_smile:

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Hiya Patrick. Im Athena from Australia (actually Greek!) :grinning: Welcome. Feels weird saying that because I am also a newbie, but here we are. Best of luck (or more like hard work) to you too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi New Global friend … Patrick … I m Eddy Rob From NSW Australia , Just getting started myself … been toying with it… to do Affiliate marketing , but never quite got started . Just sorting out my first week now … Go well and Prosper …now were did I hear that .

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Καλησπέρα και καλή μασ αρχή! :wink:

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Καλημέρα and I’ll drink to that! :grin:

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Hi there and welcome. All the best to you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello and welcome ! I am new as well. Wishing you much abundance ! :smiley:


Welcome Patrick nice to have you on board :slight_smile:

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