Hi I,m Eddy-Rob from NSW Australia

Hi fellow members, I,m know as Eddy-Rob Live with my wife, In Batemans Bay NSW Australia. We,r retired 79 , One of the older Dudes probably here, but really excited to be doing this course.

I had a dream to be earning $10,000 a month, from Online, by the time was 80 … that now gives me 8 months.
Success to you all Cheers Eddy-Rob .

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Welcome bud! Glad you’re here. This is a great program and I think you will enjoy it.

Hi Eddy-Rob @webgoals18, it’s nice to meet you! Welcome to the SAS family! :slightly_smiling_face:
Don’t worry - age is nothing…your motivation is the one thing that counts - and as far as I can judge, it seems like you got plenty of that!!! :v:

John and our whole SAS team are happy to have you aboard! We will be supporting you wherever we can and contribute our fair share to make your new journey as successful as possible! But always keep in mind that success does not start with hesitation, it starts with massive action! The best support and mentoring is quite useless if the person itself doesn’t get the work done! You are the protagonist in all of this and your determination alone will bring you closer to success and financial freedom! Let’s be honest about it - it’s not going to be an easy road, but it’s so going to be worth it!!!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to engage with your fellow students, who are all aspiring or experienced marketers. This wonderful community of like-minded people will be a great source of knowledge for you! Share your experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can…you’ll be surprised how useful this is, not to mention the motivating effect this will have on you!
Further let me remind you that it’s always a good idea to search and read through our forum first before making a post. There is a big chance that your question has already been addressed to and answered in previous discussions. Another very good place to search for solutions is our Knowledge Base, where you will find plenty of instructions and tutorials at your disposal.

One thing you will find super helpful are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings on Thursdays. My colleague Ilya will guide you step-by-step through selected topics and you will also have the chance to directly address your questions in the dedicated ‘Question and Answer’ part. Do not miss these sessions! But if you do, make sure to watch the replay video.

Alright, that’s all from me for now…I am looking forward to seeing you around and hopefully hearing from you once in a while!
Have a great start and simply dive right in! Enjoy the course and make the most out of this great opportunity! The sky is the limit! :+1:

Thanks Bastian , for your initial introduction , and helpful feed back to me for the group
Yep … I am super excited , but having had years working with general networking I undestand the Pain of learning … over many years .
Right now I am just going through all Video . generally , then revisiting with Note taking … to Digest and internalize . really just now into week 1 . and Click banks Videos… Thanks Rob .

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Welcome and best of luck! I am new also, just started 2 weeks ago, A complete newbie to this domain. Hopefully it will be a straighforward path!

Hey there. You’re in God’s country. I was born and bred in Wollongong, just up the road. Beautiful part of the world. Welcome and all the best! :slight_smile: