Hi, I am Femmy from the Netherlands

A few years ago I started as an entrepreneur. I love the freedom it gives me. In the years gone by I have had to focus on my son. He has Autism and that requires the necessary attention. That requires a lot of my time and energy. He is now 8 years old and can now go to school 3 days a week. I could not make money in the time I took care of him. I now have more time and want to work as an entrepreneur again. We have three children and it is important that I earn money. Affiliate gives me the space to make more money online than to make products for my own business.

Making my own services / products costs a lot of time and money! I saw this training from John and thought, how much more beautiful than this can still be. Easily earn money by giving people a service. I love Spirituality and helping others I find important.

In recent years I have worked on my mindset in connection with receiving money. I gave a lot. Meanwhile I have created another mindset and my heart is open to receive.

I wish everyone in this training success, and make a lot of money.

My goal is to earn € 100,000 per year. :slight_smile:


Welcome Femmy!

I am new too. I started Saturday.

Welcome my friend Femmy, my name is Mario Espinosa and I’m Brazilian! We’re new too, we’re on Saturday now. Just as you have been working the mindset a lot and taking away the limiting beliefs. We are open arms to the universe to give us everything that is ours by right, alias is waiting for us !!! Much success to you, very nice your life history, is a surpassing of life.

Welcome! Wishing you the absolute best of success! You’re a true hero. I know you will receive what you seek!

Hey Femmy, I too am new I started this past Sunday. Looking forward to hearing your success stories and I am sure that 100K per year will come. :slight_smile:


Thank You, i welkom you as well! And have a lot of succes:grinning:

Thank You Mario, i wish you good luck during the course. The universe love you!

Thank you Goldi Luxxe, you have a nice name! I Wish you good luck during the course.

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Thanks Bob. Wow, $ 100.000 in one year, that would be fantastic.:slight_smile:

Thank You Polly, i want my dream come true, i really like to buy a house on the beach.
What are your dreams Polly?

let’s have some fun :slight_smile:

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Thank you my friend !!! Let’s win this battle jutes !!!

Hello Femmy,

I 'm from Belgium, nice to know I 'm not the only one here from Dutsch speaking side :slight_smile: