FB ads disapporval

I have tried the “seasoning” as yyou mentioned. I have picked up likes and have posted a post. I am going to try again as my previous ads were not approved. My Google account is suspened for “suspiciouis activity” and I have appealed that. I have to get ads going somewhere.

My FB ad was initially approved within a few hours of posting it, then after about 12 hours I received a message that ’Your active ad is disapproved’ 'Your ad isn’t approved after a closer review’ so I went to my ads manager to see why and the message below was the reasoning. I will look at the policies then click for them to give it a second review.

This ad isn’t running because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that promote unclear, misleading, “work from home”, MLM, get-rich-quick, or deceptive employment opportunities. If you’ve read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team.

I think I received the 2nd review notice because I sent over $3,500 in FB ads last year.

That’s the error I got. I appealed but got such a fast answer I think that no one read it. I think is is automated according to their algorithms.

not surprised - I agree. I will let you know how quickly they come back to me. Thanks

Hi Guys.

Got the same message from FB from time to time.

What I often do is create a new Campaign with different name, rename video before uploading…

Targeting…1 lookalike & another 1 marketing guru interest…

As of today among my 10 campaigns, I still got 1 last standing but it does not optimise on my pixel unlike the first few ones that has over a thousand reach per day.

But I decided to leave it running for few more days and decide if need to keep or not.

I would like to try, but now I can even upload the video and fb puts everything in “draft” status. I can not attempt because they do not let me upload anymore.

HI @richjake2.

You may check if you already have access on other modules that JC teach how to set up google and youtube ads.

You may do that instead while waiting for any development with FB.

I have been suspended from Google for suspicious activity, but I can not get them to tell me what that means. They say the decision is final and they do not have to give me specifics.

So I appealed my ad being denied and here is my most recent response from FB. Not sure where to go from here. See below response:

***Here’s what’s preventing your ad from being approved:***
Image: Video: Landing Page:
***The reason behind our policies:***
**The content advertised by this ad is prohibited. We reserve the right to determine what advertising we accept, and we may choose not to accept ads containing or relating to certain products or services. We won’t allow the creation of any further Facebook ads for this product. **

***What to do next:***
Try editing your ad by following the policy guidelines mentioned above. You can do that through Ads Manager, here.

You can also check out [Facebook Blueprint], which allows you to go through our self-paced e-learning module on Facebook’s Advertising Policies.

This has to do with the payment method you set up. I know a few people had their card declined which spurred the closure. You may want to check to see if that is the reason.

I’m sorry @SaraNightingale, but how does what @smartgirlceo posted above have to do with her credit card info being wrong? When Facebook clearly is saying what she is advertising is prohibited?

I feel like this is a major issue happening to multiple people and it keeps getting swept under a rug.

It’s not fair to all the people here who have had their accounts shut down and banned for following exactly the teaching here, when Facebook now sees SAS as spam and MLM. This is not being addressed properly and I feel like it’s not fair to others who are now forever banned.

@GoldieLuxxe the ban mentioned here
I have been suspended from Google for suspicious activity
has nothing to do with the ad copy. From what I have seen with others this is something triggered by the credit card not properly processing.

We also went over several things that are working for the ad declines and account bans on the webinar last friday. Those options are posted in the webinar review doc, in the KB and also here in the forum. Here is a link to the document

“The content behind this ad is prohibited”…
“We don’t allow ads that promote unclear, work at home, MLM, get rich quick, or deceptive employment opportunities…”

I was on the Friday webinar, as well. I just sincerely feel for those who have lost their accounts and are banned for following exactly what to do. There should be clear addressing of this subject.

I will try to call them again, although sitting on hold an hour to get no one is not my favorite activity.
The card has never been declined before and I use it often. Ironically, it is tied to Google pay.

Thank you so much @GoldieLuxxe you are correct I did not have any credit card declined nor was that in the comments I cut and paste from FB both times that it was rejected.

@SaraNightingale I am not sure where you got that from. I have run ads with FB for years, I have never been banned or had any issues. This was the first time I have ever even had an ad rejected. In reading over week 1 comments it seems that a lot of people are having the same issue so this is a concern for sure. I did everything EXACTLY as it was described in the week one lessons. The comments from FB were very clear and specific. A response or a new ad to replace it with would be greatly appreciated.

@SaraNightingale I finally got someone at Google on the phone. They say they can not provide any info on the phone or deal with my problem. I should fill out the online form or email. I have already done both. They are stonewalling me and there is no recourse.
I tried again today with facebook. I can not upload a video to this ad account. I am blocked on both for reasons that are vague.

It might be a good idea to cancel and start all over again.

I had my ad declined as well on Facebook. I shut it off immediately and responded to the email they sent that looks just like yours. I let them know that I was not promoting any of the above, but rather a training program.

They sent me a note back telling me that they would no longer accept ads for “that company” SAS - I assume. I almost lost it. I kept my ad off and waited.

3 hours later they turned my ad back on.

Here’s the kicker… over the next week, they only used 45 cents of my ad spend. I guess that’s their way of saying - yes, you’re in legal compliance but we’re not running it anyway.

So… I ran 4 more of the exact same ads. Only one of the 5 was running 3 days later. I left the one running, increased the ad spend by 20% and shut off all of the others.

That’s where I am now.

If they haven’t turned your ad back on after telling them that you are promoting a training program, I’d send them the legal letter John posted and go from there.

Good Luck and all of my best! Life is crazy:)

Hello friends
I finished the first week of the course,
I did everything according to John’s instructions.
My Facebook ad has not been approved,
The ad on marketing the course of John Crestney.
Facebook sent me a message that my ad does not meet the standards of advertising.
Because the ad is similar to get rich quick program, which contradicts their rules.
Is there a solution to this problem?
What can I do?
I would be happy if you help
Thanks for the helpers

Hi everyone, Just came back to my computer and found my FB ad was disapproved after it ran for 14 hours. When asked what policy it violated I was informed that the team would review it and get back to me in 3 days.