Can't download the file in Customer File

Yeah, I also thought I’d be much further by now. And the major problem is I don’t wanna lose the money I already invested in this. Time is money and if I don’t start getting payed soon enough, I won’t be able to pay next months payment for this course cuz I don’t have a job and almost all my money will be gone by then. Sigh… I hope this gets resolved soon.

Hi Brian,

I certainly do hear you about the money. I really can’t afford to pay much more before I’m not able to pay our bills any longer. I didn’t think that would turn into a problem because I thought I’d be making some by now.

Please don’t get me wrong, John’s is, I think, the best program I’ve come across in the last year. I believe in him, I just have to figure this out. I spend anywhere from 8 - 12 hours per day on this so I know something good has to happen very soon!

Oh yeah, trust me, that’s all I’ve been doing these past few days since I signed up too. I wake up, have breakfast, do some stuff around the house and the rest of the day here. But it got to the point where I just couldn’t do anything else. So now I’m waiting to have a 1-on-1 coaching tomorrow morning. Hopefully that resolves the issue. If so, I’ll try to help you out too. You can also try signing up on the 1-on-1 coaching.

Brian, I’d love to have the 1 on 1 coaching, but I just don’t have that kind of money right now. You know it starts at $5k. That’s a lot! I understand it, but it’s still a lot!
Good Luck with yours though!

I so wish I knew enough to help you. I have been so confused and FB just has us jumping through hoops to get the ads approved that I have given up on FB for now.
Do you log into the Friday afternoon calls with Sara Nightengale? There will be one today beginning at 3PM PST. Just go to and register for the call. They are free. You can ask your questions then and perhaps get the help you need. Sara is very knowledgable. John used to do these each Friday, but he is working on something else now and Sara has taken it on.
Good Luck my friend!

Hi hon, Just typ your question or copy and paste it from here and tell her you don’t have a mic. It will work out!

You’re very welcom, it’s my pleasure!


For setting up Google Ads, all options that John mentioned are all there.

It just happens that Google changed that sequence of showing all the options.

I suggest, watch the entire video to be familiar of what sections you need to click then apply in setting up google.

Again, all options are there but sequence of showing these categories were changed by Google which John always mentioned that both FB & Google change their window from time to time.

Use 2 PC (First PC is for viewing SAS videos then 2nd PC for executing his instructions)

Just keep trying… Good Luck.

Thank you, I already figured it out today. All I had to click was on the “Experience with Google Ads?” tab below the options that show in the picture I shared. That took me to all the rest of the steps that John was talking about.

Good to hear that.

Good luck in getting Sales… :blush:

I am completely stuck in first week for two days now and can’t move on anywhere no matter what I do or how much I try to follow John’s directions, even on community posts. 1. I am not eligible for “Customer List” on and 2. Everything that John shows in the video on how to create a Google Ads account is totally not what shows on my screen when I access Google Ads and click on “Start Now”.

This is what shows on his screen


And this is what I get and every other page after is also different.


Can someone please help me? I really don’t know what to do at this point.

Possible related topic:

Looks like we’re both on the same boat buddy!
Stuck on the same thing.

Got you a solution!!!

What worked for me was to go to your “business manager” and click “create ad account” and just type a random username and voila.
You have a linked ad account with your business account and now I’m no longer stuck.

Good luck dude.

I am having the same issue as well

After I click on the “Custom Audience” I don’t get the page stating: “Create a Custom Audience” (How do you want to create this audience). Instead, I’m getting a message that says: “Connect to Business Manager to Create This Audience,” and not the box to give me access to the customer file to upload the Bizopp Buyers List. Where am I going wrong or has FB changed since John recorded the video or am I missing a step somewhere?

It quite possibly was there, so don’t panic! However, there have been some changes made so you may be best to review the training again in detail to see what the new stuff is. A lot of the changes are being forced upon us by Facebook and their inconsistent application of their own rules! Tough to keep up with, but I am sure I will find a way!

Best is if you have anothe pc, watch video on the other pc and do your work on the next.

Otherwise, watch entire video before doing the instructions just play with Facebook controls since they always change interface from time to time…