Can't download the file in Customer File

Don’t allow me the icon, like is not active to do this …

What i am missing here?, i have a business facebook before, but i create other…

Try another way. Go to audiences here then Create Audience on the next page and try to upload your file:

Nope, dont work either …thank you , will put a ticket to support…!! I am stuck and i cant keep moving

HI Elsa.

Just seen your screenshots.
Well, this is the same situation on my 2nd FB account that I’m setting up recently.

Hope someone can help us.

I found out if i create the audience in my old store works, soo, i did it in my old store anyway, but i need to separate, the problem is the new Business Account that i create…i can’t figure out !!

Exact same thing here.

Let’s see after 24 - 48 hours if FB will allow us to do so.

For the meantime,I deactivated my old campaign on my 1st FB and run onky the SAS campaign and hoping my pixel will optimise soon.

yeah, my ads was accept it in my old business account, now i think will use the old pixel with is in totally other niche…!!! will stop that ad…!


I am also stuck at this point. Facebook says because i am a new ad account user that it will take “Weeks” before they will give me access to this feature. Please advise.

Hi Gpalmer,

My 2nd FB Account is more than 7 years but they still don’t allow me to upload Customer File. Whew!

I’m also stuck here with the same problem and Idk if it’s safe to move forward without these steps, cuz John said we have to follow everything in the course and “do the work”, so yeah, It’s pretty frustrating not knowing what to do next.

HI @brianab7 @gpalmer11226.

I found a work around this obstacle and check my reply which was the 12th comment on that forum.

Basically, I found out that FB need to establish that you have a valid and active bank where they can charge you.

Please review the other forum discussion and hope you’ll be guided accordingly.

Enjoy Learning. :blush::blush::blush:

Hi @lea, thank you for your help, tho what forum are you talking about? How do I get there or what is it called?

oh never mind, I didn’t realize I had to click the title. Lol It’s 3am Haha, ok? I’m slow now. Haha

Hi. You just have to click the conversation box I sent you awhile ago in which I highlighted with green color. :smiley:

Welcome to my 20 hours no sleeping mode doing SAS assignments. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You may refer on below instruction

Then do this…

So, I followed your instructions and John’s and still no use. image


Did you already received a confirmation that you’re charged around $1.00 for setting up your payment for FB transactions?

If not, please wait and re do steps as per suggested.

Oh sweet! I’m able to do it now! Thank you so much!

Glad to hear that.

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Hi! This is Lea from Asia and new in SAS program .

I was able to finish all instruction for week 1 but upon running my SAS campaign for 2 days now, there’s only 21 reach and 0 link clicks so I thought it might have conflict with my other running old campaign about a personal care product which optimized already so I created new ad account in a separate FB account but was sad to see that when I’m creating new Custom Audience, it’s not allowing me to upload the BIZOOP file since the Customer File Box option is greyed out and cannot be opened.

Any suggestion Guys?