Badges Not Showing Up As Active

  1. Updated profile, sent a screenshot of goal of goal & sent
  2. Finished the Welcome Module & able to access Week !

Badges are not active for neither of the above. Has anyone experienced this

Hi! @goldenkoi I have experienced this, as well and was just about to post about this. This is happening to me a lot. Last night, when I created my profile and my bio, it disappeared for a while, and then came back. As I was watching one welcome module last night, I was unable to mark ā€œCompleted.ā€ It seemed frozen, almost. This morning, I uploaded my goal screenshot, and the badge did not activate. Instead, week 2 is activated as if I completed it? Maybe something is going on with the website? This is my first full day here.

Mine is doing this as well and my Heroā€™s Journey isnā€™t updating either. I donā€™t know where to upload the goals screenshots either if someone can point me to that I would appreciate it. I have been able to update my profile and complete everything through week 1 and waiting for my ad to be approved through Facebook. Not sure why itā€™s not updating on the site.

@GoldieLuxxe, @Julie-Rader ā€¦

  1. the Welcome Module badge is now active :grinning:
  2. Access to Week 1 I available

The Profile is still inactive. I wonder if that might be because I am a biz partner in this with someone else, and it is that person who initially made the membership purchase?

Within each badge, there are tasks to be performed in order to get the badge to light in addition to clicking ā€œCompleteā€ for each step within the week. I did not know this at first. Click on the badge and read down. It will give you a spot to enter in your goals and later on the results of your Google Ad (week #2). You submit them and after they are reviewed, the badge will light up and the next Week will be opened. Good luck!!

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Thank you azgram20 ā€¦ I think Iā€™m doing that right, itā€™s just the PROFILE badge that is not live ā€¦ I have filled out everything. Iā€™ll take a look again.

Just checked my profile ā€¦ new fields available including background. One of the fields is website ā€¦ which I now entered, updated but the system says ā€œinvalidā€ website. But it is valid! They do mean my current bz. website right?

Good Morning! My name is Mario Espinosa and Iā€™m Brazilian and new here! I found the course very good and Iā€™m very excited and optimistic about the results. The same thing happened to me, I even sent a message to the support, charging a position. I watched all the videos of the welcome and concludes the activities, but week 1 did not open. Does anyone know if they have to wait a week to open, or is it a normal procedure to wait a week to release?

OBS: Sorry for the English because I put in the translator to send.

UPDATE ā€¦ ALL Badges now a shiny gold! WOOHOO!.
OKā€¦ here is what I missed ā€¦ completing & updating the profile is not enough. After filling out all the info etc. I noticed that there was an empty text box bottom left hand. There may have been a prompt or who knows ā€¦ within that text box I typed in DONE and pressed send. Voila! Today the Profile badge has been achieved. :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Thank you for your help. Iā€™m having similar issues:)

I am glad to see I am with a group that has the same issue. Waiting for badge to populate so I can move forward. I know customer service is demanding work. They will catch up shortly. Letā€™s all be as sweet and understanding with them so their spirits stay happy and joyous.
love you all.

Hi Goldie, Iā€™m Susan from Gloucester, Virginia. Iā€™ve completed my first week and completed the Profile Badge & the 1st week badge. However, I had to fix something on the Goals Badge and I too got a week 2 activation instead. Do you know if you can remove it until the actual work is done?
Thanks for the update, Iā€™ll keep watching the Badge screen.
Good Luck and keep it going! S.H. from Gloucester, Virginia

Hey there Forum Family, itā€™s Susan. I finally got my Profile, Goal, & Week 1 all approved and completed and Iā€™m on to Week 2.
I did have some frustration in the waiting time when trying to get my badge fixed and then approved. However, Sabrina of Johnā€™s crew was extremely helpful and kept working with me until we had it fixed and I was able to move forward.
Take care and keep the momentum going (even when youā€™re in waiting/approval mode).
Good Luck To All

Hey guys!

We go through badge submissions once daily, so they wonā€™t automatically turn gold.

If they meet the criteria, they will be approved. Youā€™ll receive an email with the outcome.