Account Disabled

I just put my information and this is what my screen looks like.

I get this message

“Account Disabled. Unfortunately, your ClickBank account could not be approved for activity. As a result, your account has been disabled and ClickBank cannot offer you another account at this time.”


Hello Nephtie, how are you doing?

I understand that it’s quite frustrating that Clickbank had blocked your account straight away after starting with us, however this is usually a fraud prevention measure which can be resolved, usually in a timely manner. Here is the info from Clickbank:

Q: When I try to sign up, I receive an error message stating that I cannot create an account at this time. Why is that?

A: Unfortunately, based on a flag from our security system, we cannot offer you an account at this time. We are unable to release specifics regarding why the system has declined your request.

If you believe this message was made in an error, please send an inquiry to [email protected] including the name of the country you are trying to sign up from and a copy of your photo identification, such as a passport or driver’s license. Please be aware if you do not include the country you are trying to sign up from and your photo identification with the request, your inquiry will not receive a response.

Please send the ID to Clickbank support and also add that you are John Crestani’s student of the SAS and that clickbank is an important integrated part of the course. I will also talk personally to Sara, our support manager, so she can try and resolve it directly with Clickbank as a special service. I apologise for the delay and the slight inconvenience :slight_smile:

Let’s solve this issue and keep you our successful student!

Do keep us informed of Clickbank’s replies please.

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Hi IlyaG,

Same thing happen to me. Thanks Chamila

The same thing just happened to me, I previously had an account that was deactivated because I didn’t use it in a while, I tried to sign up for a new account and got the Account Disabled message, I’ve already sent in a copy of my ID along with the message I’m one of John’s students so hopefully it gets cleared up quickly.

Hi IlyaG,

How long they will take to solve this. Any thought? I got stuck in the middle of training and couldn’t progress at all without this? Please advise. Thanks


The same thing just happened to me.
I’m going send my ID in. Hopefully that’s all it takes.


@ana7711, please write to [email protected], I’ll solve it for you there in person, as I need some personal info.

@chamcy, the disabled account was actually resolved for you. Now you’re getting the Clickbank bug, “temporary unavailable” issue. I am literally spamming their support manager (we have direct contact) so they get you through, I really hope I can follow up on Monday and clear this up.

Have a good weekend all.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

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@IlyaG, the same thing happened to me and I struggled for about a month to get it rectified but with no luck.

I will also write to [email protected] for you to assist me please.



@IlyaG : Thanks for the suggestion.

i have tried reapplying for clickbank as per your suggestions and they still rejected the request stating the following :

"The pending account was declined, since our security team determined that we can’t accept your application. For security reasons, we are unable to release specifics regarding why the security system declined the account.

Unfortunately, no exceptions to override a decline can be made at this time. If or when this may change, we do not know."

I have also written to [[email protected]] regarding the same and awaiting for a response.


I just tried to create a Clickbank account and the exact same message as the screenshot at the top of this discussion came up for me too. I will send Clickbank an e-mail and cc [email protected]
This must be just as frustrating for the support team as it is for us.


@Santo :
just to clarify, the email address for support is [email protected] , there was a typo in your comment, since i had also sent it to the wrong address a day earlier :slight_smile:

Thank you SO much @kalyanpatnaik96, I was wondering why it came back undelivered…

Hi @kalyanpatnaik96, we already received your request for support through our support email in regards to this issue you are having with Clickbank. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. :smile:

Hi, @Santo, do keep us informed of Clickbank’s reply. So we can further assist you. I hope this will get resolved soon.

Thank you for acknowledging, looking forward for your response :slight_smile:

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@SAS-Support-Staff, all sorted out. Lizette on your support team was outstanding. I e-mailed Clickbank and copied your support staff and had to send in proof of Id - driver’s license, and it was all resolved within a week. Hope everyone else that were having issues got theirs sorted too.

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This is good to know @Santo! Clickbank disables accounts due to their security measures. I also hope for everyone with the same issue to be sorted out as well as soon as possible.

Hi I just got declined by Clinkbank as well… It might have been as my VPN was setup for UK but I live and just entered my Philippines address? Just guessing. will follow the above trodden path to rectify…


Hi @chetan777.malode! We don’t suggest using VPN when signing up or logging in to Clickbank. Try to log in using a public network instead. Keep us updated.