You Tube ad budget

Hi there,

My budget for you tube ads is $5/day for 5 days.
Is there any compulsion to run the ads for $100 as shown by John in the video?


Hi @BMWX5_ForRohit! Higher ad spends provide more results, faster. That’s basically it. When launching a campaign you should anticipate a higher spend too, since we’re typically testing and optimizing a lot in the early days of a campaign. Once you start getting results (clicks, conversions, etc.) you can zero in on your best performing ads and move your entire budget there.

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Just wondering how you work out your ad budget - for all of the platforms in general.
Do you have a monthly or weekly amount that you allow for ads?
John mentioned some $ amounts in our introduction training, but I didn’t know if that was
weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?
Thank you for your responses in advance, am just starting out here.

Hi @Gorilla7! Sorry I did not see your post until today. Please tag me next time @AndyStewart

This is all very subjective and dependent on the campaign, product, budget, etc. You’ll learn to get a feel for these things with time. For now, follow the training. John covers that in the first few videos, but you’ll need to budget as you see fit.