You can't use the Customer Match Audience in google ads unless we have a track Record and spend over $50k in advertising

Requirements for using Customer Match

Customer Match is not available for all advertisers. To use Customer Match, your account must have:

  • A good history of policy compliance.
  • A good payment history.
  • At least 90 days history in Google Ads.
  • More than USD 50,000 total lifetime spend. For advertisers whose accounts are managed in currencies other than USD, your spend amount will be converted to USD using the average monthly conversion rate for that currency.

If you want to start using Customer Match and you meet the requirements above, you’ll need to contact your assigned account manager to request access to Customer Match.

If you’ve never used Customer Match and don’t have an assigned account manager, your account is currently ineligible to use Customer Match, even if it otherwise meets the requirements above. In the future, we’ll offer an application process for advertisers who meet these requirements and want to request access to Customer Match. An announcement will be made when the application process becomes available.

Collecting customer data

When using Customer Match, you may only upload customer information that you collected in the first-party context—i.e., information you collected from your websites, apps, physical stores, or other situations where customers shared their information directly with you.

Examples :

  • You collected information from a customer who had purchased an item from your website.
  • You collected information from a customer who registered to receive marketing messages through your apps.
  • You collected information from a customer who signed up for your loyalty program in your physical store.

You must also:

  • Ensure that your privacy policy discloses that you share customer data with third parties to perform services on your behalf, and that you obtain consent for such sharing where legally required;
  • Only use Google’s approved API or interface to upload customer data; and
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including any self-regulatory or industry codes that may apply.

John goes over this here:

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