Words of encouragement as you get started

Hi everyone,

Just want you all to know that I a super new just like you and I want to do as much as I can to help and I promise that as I learn more I will share more. Like John has said, you and I are a part of the very few who are willing to take a leap of faith and move towards freeing our minds from the shackles.

My personal story from today is this:
I followed the steps in week 1 and my Facebook ad went live this morning :slight_smile: I have attached a screenshot from FB and I honestly donā€™t know if this is normal or good but what I really want to say is I am pumped that we are actually doing this!

My words of encouragement goes like this:
When I checked to see what was happening with my ad I was initially excited because I had some activity and received FB notifications that there were 4 comments on my ad/video. When I clicked to see the comments I was pretty bummed that they were from haters. I wonā€™t go into great detail here but basically they were saying this is a scam, called John some bad names and 1 guy actually wrote a very, very long detailed comment and referenced the Forbes article like it was negative?? Moral of the story, all of you and myself have made a choice to think outside of the box and improve the quality of our lives. Most people do not have the courage to make this kind of life changing decision and I am so pumped and proud of you and myself for taking the first steps!

I love analogies and hereā€™s what Iā€™m gonna say about the haters and nay sayers when it comes to you, me, John and the whole SAS family:
We are a professional baseball team trying to win the World Series and the competition is fierce. Right now itā€™s the 1st inning and we are in this together as a team to win it. We have some rookies and some seasoned vets but we have a fantastic team! If one of us strikes out come on back to the dugout and myself or one of your other teammates will build you back up and remind you that itā€™s super early in the game and you are going to get plenty more chances to swing that bat! We have an incredible coaching staff and the best manager in the league! Ignore any boos coming from the crowd, those are the haters that wonā€™t even pick up a bat or attempt to throw a pitch. There are thousands and thousands of them but only a handful of us, keep swinging for the fence my friends, you are AWESOMEā€¦cheers!

Will Krahn


Well doneā€¦ quicker than I got off the block. Good luck and hope that elusive first sale is around the corner.

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Thank you so much Tim, hopefully you are doing well and staying positiveā€¦cheers!

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Great Comment Will. I had some haters post comments on my Facebook ads and then FB shut down my campaign because they said it was a ā€œnegativeā€ experience. I think there are people out there that just donā€™t get it! They think itā€™s their place on this planet to try and push others down. I would much rather hang out with people like you that want to build others up.

When I get discouraged I tell myselfā€¦

ā€œJohn wants to work with winnersā€¦ not whiners.ā€


Bummer deal Sue, I have been very diligent about watching the activity on FB and removing any negative comments and banning the person who posted. Love that quote from John for sure. I am going to keep posting in this forum as much as possible and surround myself with like minded people here. We are all in this together so letā€™s kick the tires and light the firesā€¦cheers!


Great post. I am brand new myself (started yesterday). Have had 4 hops so far from my FB ad. No impression forms yet, but thatā€™s ok. I admit I have tried many other courses before, but for some reason this one seems different. Looking forward to going through this together.


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Iā€™m here with ya, letā€™s crush this!

Hi Steph, I actually got my first sale through Facebook. I simply followed the lesson step-by-step and it only took 1 day. My suggestion would be search through products and find something that you would use/buy yourself and then use the methods John has provided in the course to launch and test until you find a winner then duplicate, duplicate, duplicate! Facebook shut down my account very quickly after my first sale while promoting SAS and google doesnā€™t seem to like it much either. Itā€™s pretty unfortunate because this is such an incredible program! All the best to you on your affiliate journeyā€¦cheers!

Will Krahn