When will will week 2 be unlocked?

It would be great to start working on week two already! I’m super motivated to start getting results and $$$$$ loves speed!

I put in a ticket to the support desk and week 2 was unlocked in a few hours!

Thanks for the suggestion!

Woops! That shouldn’t have happened :smile:
The weeks are released on time each week and should not be released early.
I do love the eagerness to move forward so I would like to send you both @Results-Driven-Life and @freeunltd7 an updated and expanded hard cover version of Timothy Ferris’s “The Four Hour Workweek”

Hey Sara…money loves speed right…I also would like the next week unlocked…our having to wait a week doesn’t make much sense to me when we have completed the work and are eager to carry on??

Thanks Sara! I read the first version of 4 Hour Workweek, and look forward to reading the updated version!

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Thanks for the book - not sure when I actually started so don’t know when I should have had week 2 opened - perhaps you can let me know so I know when to expect week 3 to be opened?! I am not ready for that event just yet as I am still working through week 2…

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Weeks are released every 7 days. So if you started on Monday then next Monday you will get access to the next lesson. That’s the way the course is designed and the only way we will be releasing it. This is to ensure that everyone goes through the course without jumping around which historically has caused confusion. Thanks for your understanding!