When setting up conversion tracking on Google ads, how is it specific to each ad and each vendors page if using multiple ads and vendors?


Suppose you have 5 ads setup on Google ads and each ad is for a different vendor product with similar commission rates. When setting up conversion tracking, how is it tracking each ad and vendor page individually?

Facebook pixel tracking makes more sense to me because you’re actually embedding the pixel code from a specific ad to the specific orderform page or specific thank you page of the vendor. So you know exactly where the sale came from.

With Google ads tracking, this doesnt seem to be the case. Rather, after a customer visits an order form or a thank you page, I dont see how the conversion would know which ad or vendor that conversion came from judging by the way we originally set it up. Allow me to explain:

While setting up the Google conversion, it is not asking you to link the conversion in any way to one of your specific ads. Rather, it just asks to create a name for the conversion as if it is it’s own entity, which make no sense as far as tracking specifically. On top of that, a lot of the ads have the same commission rate anyway, so it confuses things even further when you get a sale because how does google know which conversion to list it to?

Furthermore, on the clickbank side of the tracking where we input the Google tracking labels, they are not asking which vendor or product the codes are for.

This makes absolutely no sense or I am seriously missing something.

Can anyone explain this here without a referral to a thursday webinar or support? Thank you.

Hi John,

To answer your question in a bit of a straightforward manner, essentially to make order in things and Separate Google & Facebook pixels:

  1. You need the same Facebook pixel set up on all of your presell pages / websites, then to make things more segregated across your different products / presell pages (a bit more advanced) you set up a custom conversion/event for each URL (basically each funnel). This would be the detailed process. So essentially, when you set up the audiences, you want to set it up so that there are multiple audiences based on the different URLs (funnels). Don’t forget to label clearly!
  1. You need a google conversion pixel set up for the conversion tracking (You don’t need to manually set it up in head tag etc, you can use google tag manager as in the video linked above).
  • Clickbank ads parameters when the info is sent to your conversion pixel, info can be found here. These parameters can be used to distinguish the different products that are being detected by the google conversion pixel.

I hope it’s a bit more clear. This detailed tracking is a bit of an advanced topic, I am working on a better step by step guide / tutorial to better explain the set up.

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Thank you. The way John explained Google ads conversion tracking in his video says nothing about pixels. So I assume I was right that the way he showed us is pretty much useless without pixels if doing more than one ad?


With all due respect, I first thought you had posted something new because you mentioned pixels, but all you did was post the same video that is in the course.

The same questions I originally had still remain. This way in the video seems to be good if you have one ad. How does it track multiple ads if there is no actual pixel setup on each vendors website like how Facebook pixels do? How is each Google conversion specific to each additional ad and vendor?

Hi John, I’ve actually answered your question at the paragraph right below the one you referred to:
Clickbank ads parameters when the info is sent to your conversion pixel, info can be found here. These parameters can be used to distinguish the different products that are being detected by the google conversion pixel set up above.

The work with CB parameters is a little more advanced and isn’t covered by the course, but the link above explains it briefly, and I’ll be working on a step-by-step to make it more clear.

Needing help here can I possibly request a one on one to discuss a few topics in order for me to get up and running confidently and successfully please… I have had this adventure in effect for about 9 months now and having a troubled heart about the matters concerning website, ads placement and /or smaller ad/funnel for navigational purposes. and others that I know somehow will work…? Thanks for showing us the many angles and overviews, your support is appreciated/
Sincerely. Nakima Ward