When setting a conversion pixel and entering price of product, what about upsell prices, will it not be recorded properly?


Just looking for more clarity. John Crestani was going over conversion pixel setup. On the second conversion pixel setup, for sales, he entered a price of $460. My questions are these:

  1. Where did $460 come from? Isn’t the Super Affiliate System $997?

  2. When we setup conversion pixels for other products, are we just entering the item base price? The reason I ask this is because mostly all vendors on clickbank include upsells. What if someone purchases the upsells and the purchase price is different than the original price we had entered while setting up the conversion pixel? Does this mean the conversion will not be recorded properly because the final purchase price was different?

  3. What about tax? That will also add to being different from the price we entered.

  4. IMPORTANT: What if we are promoting more than 1 product with identical product amounts? How will google differentiate between the two products. From what it looks like to me is that if you have 2 products and you made a conversion pixel for each product and entered let’s say $50 for each one, then if someone buys the one product, google will track the conversion twice(1 on each $50 conversion pixel we set up).

This way does not seem setup correctly because google’s conversion pixel code is not specific to the product we are selling. Rather, we are just adding a bunch of conversion pixel codes to one section on clickbank. I could understand if Click bank was asking which product we want the conversion pixel code to attach to, but they don’t, the codes are just grouped together. I am familiar with adding the pixel code onto the “thank you” page or “confirmation” page itself. That would be a more organized approach because it would be directly linked to the sale itself, even if it had similar purchase amounts, but we don’t have access to the venders “thank you” page or “confirmation page”.

Can anyone explain this please?