When Self-Promotion Becomes Spam

By the very nature of our product it is completely understandable that you will want to promote your favorite affiliate offer, but we must make sure that this forum remains useful for everyone. Therefore we must prevent spam from occurring. There is a fine line that must not be crossed when you promote any offer, and when that line is crossed, it becomes spam. Please refrain from repeatedly promoting your offers within the body of any post. We define offers as any affiliate link, product, site or service that will benefit the person making the offer. Doing so will result in formal warnings and editorial actions by forum moderators and/or staff. Action may include deletion of the offending posts and/or permanently banning the member in question.

We encourage you to use promotional and/or affiliate links in your signature line only. Any link to outside resources and example sites for the purpose of productive discussion can be included in the body of the post. You may not repeat this information in more than one forum thread. If you need to use the same information in more then one forum thread, you will need to link to the forum thread that contains the original information. We will actively remove links in the body of the post and/or complete posts that we determine are intended primarily for the purpose of self-promotion, and that we consider spam. Should you believe an offer is solely for self-promotion and you think it is spam and it is not in the signature line, please send a private message (PM) to the forum moderator to report the post. Please do NOT post your concerns in the forum thread itself.

Asking for advice about any of your offers, products, websites, services or articles is permissible IF it is clearly intended to receive feedback, and you honestly want to use any feedback received to make improvements to what you are doing.

You are highly encouraged to give feedback to people who ask for help, but you should only give feedback to others when they have clearly asked for help, and only as long as it is relevant to what is being asked for. Offer your feedback only when it is appropriate and constructive to the person who asked for it. Be honest and forthright with your answers, and let people know if you have any affiliation to anything being suggested. You will get more respect and trust from the community by doing this. Members posting only for the sake of self promotion and that is not related to the discussion will be edited as necessary. Please note that we will have a specific forum to make product announcements and list promotions if needed.

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