When doing test on my website for Clickbank verification goes to page not found

everything on my site works as it should seem so but when I add my url and put /test/ like John does at the end of my url for the hoplink verification on Clickbank it goes to a page that says oops that page can’t be found. in the manual method my saved hoplink was installed and saved just like he shows on the video, anyone have this problem, I thought I was all set, but Clickbank shows no hoplink has been registered with just my url and test url goes nowhere, please help if you know whats wrong Thank You Anybody, should I try another hoplink?

Are you using ClickFunnels?
Did you change your website URL without changing the domain?


I too am having problems with the Presell Page Setup #3, The Manual Method. I did as instructed in the video, but when I put in my url i got from Bluehost, it comes up saying, “A New Wordpress Site Coming Soon!”

I even deleted the downloaded info that is used to create the Test Page so I could got through the entire process a second time. And again, I had the same results.

Similar to Erich issue, does anyone have a solution?

What I had to do was contact customer support at blue host and tell them I wanted that file which is a page to point to the home page

I had this problem & got it solved w/Blue Host … they are AWESOME.

Q. when you got your domain setup with Bluehost did you get an https://domain name?
If yes … the domain/test is not an https (good thing to have and costs zip with BlueHost.
So, Blue Host fixed a few things in another section and voila, the domain/url/test now works.

Just call BH support and in the call options select Technical . hope that helps.

Hello, Blanca M Pena from New York

In Facebook,
When I went to down load the Bizz Opp 128 list
I got the list Bizz Opp 150.
Can someone help please?

blancamp, I think its just the updated list