What computer do you recommend?

I apologize if I am not writing this question in the right spot but I really am hoping that someone can get back to me so I can get down to business!
I know it sounds crazy but I donā€™t currently own a computer!! And I must admit shopping around can be and is extremely overwhelming!!
I am a Samsung fanatic and been wanting to buy the new S7+ tablet as its rumoured to be able to replace a laptop but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s entirely true?
However after purchasing this course and being dedicated to giving this my all, I now just want to make sure that I buy the best computer that is capable of handling anything and everything specific to affiliate marketing.
Can anyone give me advice? Should I buy a PC and is 8 gigs of ram enough or do I need more? Or is it worth forking out the extra dough for more security and buying a Macbook?
PLEASE HELP!! I am dying to go make the purchase and get started and this is the only thing holding me back (I am currently trying to do what I can from my crappy phone)!
Thank you kindly in advance for your time and consideration reading this post! It is much appreciated!

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Hi @natsnewnew,

You dont have to buy expensive PC, any $1000 PC is plenty enough. I got $400 one, and its enough to create campaign and follow along john course. you can buy AIO PC for only $700 and its powerfull enough for you to be doing affiliate marketing. Except, you want to create your own content such as video and grapich editing yourself than you may consider buying monster pc. I dont know, for me its better to spend money to generate traffic to any of my campaign.

Hi there, @natsnewnew! I would agree with @maris.bprsalsalaam on this.

Any working PC or laptop that is capable of loading photos, videos, and enables to create one is good enough. And durable of course.

The most important thing here is you have enough budget/money to spend for traffic. :slight_smile: