Went from manual to click funnels but different page comes up from Johns editing survey page

Something screwed up on my manual website, so I switched to click funnels and every thing went just as on Johns video until I got to the end where he says edit survey to put my hoplink in and I don’t have the the edit survey option page like he does, on the top his says survey and mine says 1 column row. I tried it twice with the same results, Why is this different than johns video and what do I do? Help Anyone

Have you tried hovering around different areas of the box? As I remember, a couple of borders appear depending on where you hover your mouse.

BTW, what screwed up so bad on your manual one that you gave up on it? You can always download it again and retry.

No I didn’t hover over the options I just clicked on the settings as in the video, everything worked as the video except that one window. when I did the Manuel way everything seemed to work fine but my hoplink would not register, and I asked Bluehost then I realized my page was not on the home page and the Bluehost gal said she would fix that but she had to create a new file, so I think she screwed something up, then I asked her too wipe everything clean to start over, and she said she did but didn’t. so I deleted everything I did but I don’t know what she did, so thats when I tried click funnels, and actually it seemed harder than the manual method.But Sabrina saved the day! Thank You for your input,I just don’t know what I am doing, and new on the computer, but can follow step by step instructions, this should not have been that hard.

i have the same problom

i am ok it set up
there is 2 windows

I have the same problem, my hoplink does not want to register either. I have tried it now for how many times without any luck.

Hi Erich,

I agree this should not be so hard, but i guess, for now, it is what it is.

When I try and follow along step by step, I also come up with different pages than what John is showing in the video. I suppose this happens to a lot of us.

John says not to let these things slow us down or get us down. Just use your judgment and click on something. Lots of times, as a result of clicking something, I’ll find the step by step instruction action is now there and you click it and move on.

I’m just wondering if it would help if John, Sara, or Sabrina were to follow the video step-by-step, like we are, to see what we’re talking about. No disrespect intended for John, Sara and Sabrina!

Good Luck Erich!

I have had a problem not being able to edit index.html though I’ve held my cursor over everything. Edit tab is not lighting up to be usable. I guess the edit issue in this section is different. But did I miss something?
Though John is usually very detailed, sometimes he moves to a page without mentioning specifically or explaining fully for us dummies and I have no idea how he got there. Plus, when the PDF instructions don’t exactly match the video, it’s more confusing.

SOLVED - I had this problem at first. You need to edit the setting in the interior orange box. NOT the blue one.