Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Sadly I had my Google Ads account suspended. In my real estate investing days, there was a saying; “don’t cry over spilled milk, go and milk another cow”, so I am experimenting with other methods including native ads. I have an SAS ad running right now, so hopefully it goes well.
I have also been trying other products. I want to stick with 5 main offers with SAS being my primary one. I don’t know about everyone else, but I like getting John’s residual commissions. It’s nice getting a few extra hundred dollars per month.
So obviously, the #1 thing to promote is SAS, however I just finished an MLM funnel (in Clickfunnels) for a weight loss product. I just got my product on Nov 30th and I have started to lose weight fast. I am probably one of the few to actually lose weight this past Thanksgiving weekend. This thing kills cravings and burns calories.
I know this is a long post, hopefully it will be worth it to you.
So today I am focusing on Valentus Weight Loss coffee (or cocoa). Promoting something like this is better than promoting a weight loss product on Clickbank because you don’t even know if the Clickbank products work. Those offers are like fads that come and go. Those offers try to hit a nerve emotionally to buy and it does a good job. I bought Fat Decimator System and it is not very good. No one wants to read a 100 page eBook to get NO useable information. (I like to be a customer of the things I promote)
In preparing to make these landing pages for my Valentus funnel, I downloaded over 80 pages of real testimonials to make my swipe file. The testimonials are too many to ignore so my wife and I are trying it out. I have about 20-30 pounds to lose.
Quick back story why I am going with Valentus and it is not the Coffee. I was in an advanced real estate investing class in October 2015 with a bunch of top students including a good friend who was closing lots of real estate deals in Missouri. I got to meet this friend again in July 2017 in Las Vegas and he was a lot skinner. He explained that he lost 100 pounds without diet or exercise. So I had to try it out and it worked for me too, I lost a few pounds and didn’t gain it back. My sister in law tried it and lost 50 pounds. This product was with a network marketing company, but who cares if you are getting results, right?
Something bad happened along the way. Without getting into too many details which I am probably not allow to reveal, the company changed the product (probably without the creator’s permission). I did not realize it at the time, but I started to gain weight again. I found out later that the original creator of the product switched over to a different network marketing company, Valentus.
I recently reached out to one of the top influencers of the prior network marketing company and after a 3 hour long conversation, I decided to make the switch. After seeing all the testimonials, I knew I had to try the other products. I was going to join anyways to get my product, why not try the Cocoa (Coffee for my wife) and lose weight faster.
When you see my landing pages, I focus around the testimonials. I put small section about the product that I like (second page of my funnel)
My intent is use the SAS strategies to promote these products that way I don’t have to be that pushy sales person. I would give them a free copy of my landing page. That way I can cross promote with the Builderall affiliate program. Builderall would be easier to promote (over Clickfunnels) because the basic plan is only $29.90 per month. Most you should have Clickfunnels, but I will include my Builderall link below just in case you made your SAS landing page using the manual method.
—> The best part of this funnel, is that it is creating an email list. I can still have the opportunity promote the Super Affiliate System so that my customers can better promote the weight loss product.
I have spent 4 full days and hundreds of hours (probably more) making the Clickfunnels landing page and I will give it away with a share funnel if a person registers.
Hopefully I will have the Builderall version ready in a week or two.
If you are interested, please only do it because you think the product can help you. Don’t do it with the expectation of becoming rich. That could come in time especially if you are getting results. It is just an other stream of income. Using SAS just makes it easier to promote it.
Here is my Clickfunnels Valentus Page. It is ready to go, but I will be adding to it like an exit pop up that leads to an extra testimonial page (that will probably take another 20-50 hours but it will be worth it).
** This funnel is live if you want to give it a try.
Below is my Builderall version, it is not quite ready yet, but that will be an easy fix and I should have it up relatively soon. I just have to add the content and testimonials.
P.S. Builderall is still going thru some major updates. Currently, they don’t have the technology so I can copy John’s SAS funnel exactly. I will post it once I get that done. Below is my current Builderall SAS landing page. In case you are wondering, I use the manual method to promote SAS, it is the landing page where I have gotten the most sales.