Weekly Thursday Training: The Email Marketing Intensive

Join us on your Thursday afternoons for the Email Marketing Intensive training webinar with @SaraNightingale

:round_pushpin: REGISTER HERE

:triangular_flag_on_post: This is your dedicated thread to chat about the course, ask questions, and discuss the techniques you’ve learned.

  • This LIVE weekly session takes place every Thursday at 3:00 pm Pacific.

  • This call is for experienced members AND beginners who are interested in learning new techniques and kicking their skill level up a notch.

  • Replay videos for each call will be made available on your member dashboard (under the Live Training link) a couple of days after each session.

  • Resources & downloads from the trainings are available at the bottom of this post (in the Resources section), as they become available.


Below you’ll find applicable training recaps, PDFs & homework assignment discussions from past training sessions. :woman_student:

November 14th Call

November 21st Call

December 5th Call

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Are there recordings for these email and Facebook marketing training webinars? I can watch today (happen to be off form work) but couldn’t watch yesterday. I don’t want to miss them because they don’t fit my schedule.

@walterlewis yup, totally! Usually the replay videos are uploaded around 24 hours after the original live session took place, so check back for the Thursday event in a few hours.

Update: I just sent you a message with the access you’ll need.
If anyone else would like access to them, please shoot me a private message :slight_smile:

The call this week is kicking off in about an hour - see you there!

Looking forward to this lesson, e-mail marketing, get it right and your business is on its way.

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For those following along, here’s your

Replay Video and Homework Assignment from the Nov 14th call :slight_smile:


Thanks for the Nov. 14th Replay. Is it possible to get the one of the Nov. 7th too?


@Strategis, we’ve got you covered. It’s on the same link, just scroll to the top of the page and click on the “John Crestani” link to get back to the page that shows all the videos :wink:

Thanks a lot, @roh :slight_smile:

Hi Ro - Can you send the Nov 7th , Start Growing Your Own Email List Today

Youre the best, looking forward to learning!


Hiya @zohut ! You’ll find it at the same link upthread :slight_smile:

That same link also contains all the replays to past weeks. Just scroll to the top of the page and click on the “John Crestani” link to get back to the page that shows all the videos.

Today’s call is starting soon, and you can download the documents you need in this post from @IlyaG :slight_smile:


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And November 21st session replay is also up on the regular replay link :slight_smile:

The call on the 14th where we are shown how to alter the sign up page for Johns training to include us catching the email address.

Would this mean a view has to insert their details twice. Once for me to catch the email and the immediately again, so SAS catches the email?

Did we get a simplified video showing how to alter this. It got a touch confusing fr an idiot like me. Sara in the video said “could we do this bit on another video”.

Any real reason for mail chimp over say Getresponse, Aweber. Does it have great advantages. (looked less simple than GR for me, but I am used to that program)


Hi Ilya,
Thanks for running through the mail chimp sign up form set up for our landing pages. It was very fast though. Can you please put the step by step instructions as PDF on how set up the mail chimp sign up forms directly into the code in the index.html file in Cpanel? I am really waiting for it to appear but I don’t see it here yet in the forum. That would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Hey folks! I’ve updated the original post with info on where you can now find all the replay videos of past sessions!

Don’t forget the December calls start this Thursday!

hey there @outbyxmas! Don’t forget to tag the folks you have questions for, so they get notification of your questions and suggestions for the training course! I’ll tag in @SaraNightingale and @IlyaG for ya here so they can catch that feedback you shared

Did we get a simplified video showing how to alter this. It got a touch confusing fr an idiot like me. Sara in the video said “could we do this bit on another video

Hello @simonh @outbyxmas, I haven’t had a chance to make a PDF yet, as I’m a bit overwhelmed with work at the moment, HOWEVER, do check out this video series:

Here is a video I made which shows you how to install Mailchimp o your account. Here is a more dedicated step by step process.

Phil, the main reason to use Mailchimp over Getresponse and similar Autoresponders is that IT’S FREE (When you use the basic feature).

Once you got a hefty email list and manage to get around all the functionalities, you can then go ahead and proceed to the paid plan or upgrade to a different more diverse Autoresponder.

Did we get anywhere with a slower version of - how to alter the JC sign up page so we can collect email address from anyone who checks out the training from his optin page?

Would this require a prospect to enter their details twice. In onece for us to collect and then secondly so the go through to the SAS funnel with our link:
