Week two manuel method with blue host

I have reviewed all the week two discussions regarding using the manual method in the 4th training video. I have found none that address my problem. I log into Bluehost and go to home page. at that point their pages are not even close to the step by step John is showing in video 4 of week two. I also have been trying to work with the help @ Bluehost but they have no clue what I am trying to do. Please help. So when on the home page, John says to click on “Advanced Tab” at this point I get a page that has cPanel login. This is where I am lost. Thanks in advance.

Hello Robert, how about dropping us a message to [email protected]? I’ll take a look at the situation, login to your account if necessary and we’ll troubleshoot the problem together.

You should have received the cPanel login details on the welcome email from Bluehost, that’s indeed where the “advanced” tab should lead you to. Then you’d go to “file manager” and go on from there.