It’s amazing how much we’ve learned in a short amount of time.
One thing’s for sure…
- I really SUX at making Sales.
- But decent at getting LEADs/email addresses.
Some Lessons Learned (Just my personal thoughts)
- I spent too much time on a product that just won’t sell for the first 3 weeks. Thinking I need to fail faster and move on.
- I am directing more traffic now to Affiliate Sales Funnel versus always going to the email squeeze page. (i will get their email later on retargeting maybe)
- The JC / Cruz video was a good watch.
- Google TAG Manager. This has been a good skill set to learn for both Adwords, Analytics and Facebook Advertising Pixel
- I think the way to go, are high(er) ticketed products because of ADs costs etc
- Once I get more sales, thinking I will try Johns SAS product a try

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Hey Mike - My story is very similar! Made 75$ on about a $600 spend since week one. Similar to you this morning I have decided to go back to square one and take what I have learned so far and recreate my process starting at research on 2 to 3 products; creating new presell landing pages and then try a couple different ways of marketing each and see which may work. (Really following @IlyaG has laid out in the thursday group calls).
I think the secret is generating volume in a mid priced ticket item… what that is I am spending to today to figure out…
But as John says it is about experimentation and willingness to maybe fail a few times to find out what works of you!!
Keep us posted on how it is going!
Adding a recent update.
Small weekly Sales are starting to trickle in.
- Including sales from my email list where I am promoting similar products and sharing free content.
Working on about 5 new product launches coming up this week.
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Hey Mike,
The paid Ads route is a work in progress…
I would agree we’ve learned a lot over the 6 weeks of the SAS course, and it is a journey.
Learning this new skill set can be painful most of the time, especially never having been down
this road before of Affiliate marketing…BUT we never give up !
A Good book to read if you haven’t already is " Think and Grow Rich " by Napoleon Hill.
Sometimes we need to re-focus and learn some tried and true principles and incline
our ears to another perspective…the book has helped me and the insight is fantastic.
I use quotes from this book in my email marketing, especially as email titles to increase
my " Open Rates" and for the 1st sentence in my emails…
Keep being encouraged and push through…
~ Sean