Hey Everyone,
Thought I’d share my results from some of the ads.
So far my takeaway is the Google Display Ads method from week 3 is more effective than Bings Search Ads.
For Google Ads, I got over 100k impressions and 186 clicks for $76.24
For applying the methods for Bing ads, I got a little over 30k impressions with 146 clicks for $150.53.
Notes for thought:
Google Display seems to perform better, while spending half the money. You can even see the actual landing page impressions from Clickbank are better from Google Display. However, I would argue that this doesn’t mean much about Bing vs Google as much as it says Bing Search vs Google Search. For all we know Google search could have performed worse.
Also note, I used two separate websites.
Bing ads was run under www.prosperityconscious.com/onlinetraining while display ads was https://www.chanceandconfidence.com/internet-business-training/
While I think prosperity conscious looks like a better website (if people hit back to see if it is legit), it seems Chance and Confidence got more results.
So many possibilities of what could have “caused the difference”. Although all of it has resulted in a $0 return thus far.
But what seems to be true is that following the exact step by step for display ads on my chanceandconfidence website seems to work better than applying the Google Search strategy to Bing Search on my prosperityconscious website.
Hope this helps.
