Week 2Clickfunnels - edit presell page

There is 2 Problem I need help.
after I finished building my website, setting up the click funnels plugin with email and AIP address there are all working well. But when setting up the page it different from John’s video.6 This is John’s.

This is mine. When I click on Preview and click “yes” to all surveys this wite pop up
The page that show on John video are not the page that I see When I click on a link to edit the landing page. 10 I have to click every icon until I find something that looks like what’s showing on John’s tutorial video. Now I’m stuck on editing the survey question. When I click on settings, I don’t get an option to edit the survey but only options to change the top margin, image, font, color, size, backdrop, and padding. Please look at the attached images. I can’t find where to edit the survey question. I really need your help. Thank you

I already worked it out. This is my 2 tips: #1: When you move your mouse to edit pop up setting box to make sure you move the mouse to small box in side the big box. #2: W To vave the clickbank hoplink to outcome under “survey option” and " Page Action" you need to change “Landing then page Redirect” to “Instant page Redirect”. good luck.



john mentioned CLICKFUNNELS MANUAL METHOD 2 on week2. Was wondering where it is because can’t find it.