Week 1 recap video

Good day all,

I was super excited about the cd set the John mentioned at the end of the video, as I have a decent amount of free time at work where I don’t have a computer to listen to things. When I attempted to look up the website John mentioned I got a website cannot be found. I tried https://www.johncrestani/confucius.com and https://www.johncrestani\confucius.com

Any help or updates would be very appreciated, hope everyone is loving the course as much as I am.

Best regards,

Hey there Matt, welcome! :slight_smile:

I’m sorry for the inconvenience, indeed the old link doesn’t work :frowning: here’s the new one:

You can find the audio files here:


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I suggest that you put a redirect on that link (/confucious) pointing to the correct url.

I just had the same issue (page not found).

Hi Charles, there is a redirect, it just has to be spelled correctly :slight_smile: