Week 1 Manuel Method

Hello, I’m new to the course here.

I’m following the training modules on course 1 step by step, but I’ve happened to come across a hurdle.

For some reason when I go to the “Advanced” option on Bluehost it directs me to “CPanel Login” … this is where I’m stuck. No matter where I go on Bluehost to figure out my logins for CPanel nothing is working. I am unable to proceed without accessing my Channel. Does anyone have any options or where to go to change my CPanel logins?

Hi @Jmw12393

When you log in to Bluehost, you should see the advanced menu on the left, clickhere and open your file manager

Here is our step by step pdf tutorial for setting up your page using the manual method

Thanks @Sabrina for taking the time to respond.

Currently when I click on the “Advanced” option it directs me to cPanel Login.

For some reason I do not have my cPanel login details, so I am unable to proceed. Still trying to figure out where to find it.


If you send us an email with your Bluehost login details and hop link, we can check your set up is correct for you :slight_smile:
Send info to [email protected]

Thanks @Sabrina

I just sent over an email providing my Bluehost login as I did not go the Clickbank route as of yet, I am implementing trainings on various strategies

  • John
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I replied to your ticket.

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