Week 1 - Lead Results


Hey All,

Just finished week #1.

==> Sharing some captured leads results for week #1.

For week 1,
==> Used FB and Google Ads route for traffic.
We will need to do more research on solo ADs.

Attaching my current flow and to help explain how I captured ~500 email Leads
==> My squeeze page initially had less than 10% opt-in rate until I tweaked my FB ADs and placed A/B testing on my squeeze page headlines.
==> Landing page runs On Wordpress (i also use Thrive Themes).
o With some small tweaks, the opt-in rate jumped to ~30%

Using the health product affiliate site information, this helped get things going on FB faster.
==> Using CBO and Dynamic ADs (switching between images, video and headline text)
CTR (ALL) = 3% to 9.94%.
CTR (Link Click through) = 2.59% to 4.27%
Both look decent to me, I am generating approx 50 to 60 leads / day.

After going through the affiliate email swipes provided.
==> This generated over 300 hoplinks on clickbank tracking

==> But No sales from all the hoplinks.

==> Maybe I am not preselling the right way? Or need to get infront of the same people again through retargeting ADs?

Good news is that my lead process seems to be working.

Next step

  • Retargeting FB ADs (using Leads and Pixel Traffic Views) and A/B test on 2 similar affiliate products.

Hopefully, this helps others - please send me some feedback other options for next steps.


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Heeya Michael, good job, thatā€™s awesome progress for week one and you clearly have some previous experience.

  1. Mind sharing a link to your squeeze page/s?
  2. Which product/s are you promoting to that email list? HOW are you promoting those? Do you have a ā€˜conversion pageā€™, that is intended to capture a sale?

Your initial campaign and email capturing processes seem solid and youā€™re using all the best methods for the start. Letā€™s see if we can tweak your campaigns to yields $$ results.

Cool thanks IIya,

  1. I have 3 variations of squeeze pages being testing right nowā€¦ i was able to hit close to 30% conversion. Is this a decent target for OPT-ins?

  2. Promoting Health Weight Loss Product.

  • Yes. I have 2 conversion pages.
  1. After the eBook download,
    I provide a thank you page that has a conversion sales page offer (not sure if this is the best place but I see people clicking using my short links)

  2. I recently created a Blog Product Review Page.
    This is what the page I plan on using for the retargeting FB AD(s)

Does this make sense?

  • I am not allowed to go any further in the course, so once I see what John says later, I will tweak the flow and flow his direction.

I am thinking with over 300 hop links and no sales,

  • If my retargeting campaign does not work, then maybe i need to put more focus on another health products i researched with high gravity and resales.

  • itā€™s pretty cool, helping people find a solution to their problem

I am using Facebook retargeting ADs, i went through a bunch of images and video, headlines. i think i have a the results that work the best for retargeting to another Pre sales page of Blog Page.


IIya, generally speaking -

  1. Should i try retargeting to a pre-sales page OR A blog page with affiliate links? (what works better, generally speaking)


  1. Should i test both and see what works?
  • Thinking the latter.
  1. For similar Health products, do you agree, i should continue using other affiliate email swipe content in my email list sequence?
  • I usually send an affiliate offer every other day, followed by content only value from one of my recent blogs.

Thanks for reading and helping meā€¦


Hi @mikemakeitso Michael, I like your flow and your thinking. Iā€™m actually quite surprised to hear 300 hops didnā€™t generate a single sale, but hey, you got the emails.

About your questions.
1 & 2) When I retarget, having relatively warm traffic, I go relatively aggressive (as much as Facebook allows), a pre-sale page with an effective call to action, is what works better for me so far. However testing is always a good idea. I remember once I hired 2 fiverr guys to create a short video ad for me (just a brief video with a script I wrote). I thought one of them did horribly, made 2 revisions, and it was even worse. The other I thought was brilliant. Iā€™ve put these two ads against each other with the same target link, and the one I thought was brilliant got maybe 10 clicks, while the second one got more than 100 and 3 conversionsā€¦ so, you never know.

  1. I agree. Honestly I donā€™t like using the affiliate swipes raw, since many times theyā€™re outdated (the marketing worlds changes FAST since people need different types of stimulation as time goes by), so I use them sporadically, with in-between shoutouts of my own content.


Thanks IIya.

see attached. In one of my affiliate products, I am now over 400 hoplinks.

  1. On email swipes. ok makes sense, I was picking and choosing which emails I should include. i will start including my own content.

Do you find it better if the emails are personalized with my first name or better if it looks like from a company?

  1. What do you mean ā€œshout outsā€ ?

  2. How often do you send affiliate emails versus your own content?

  3. Whatā€™s the email ratio on pure content versus offers? Thinking I am sending to many offers right now.

  4. On retargeting: What does ā€œrelatively aggressiveā€ mean " as much as Facebook" allows?

  5. Where can i find natural supplements like ā€œheal n sootheā€ for arthritis and joint pain relief? i donā€™t see any on clickbank. Is there another site you can direct me too?

I just starting adervisting another affiliatie heatlh product that is over 100 gravity. Will see how this goes.

Thanks IIya for all your feedback and support.

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Hi Mikeā€¦Impressive info, like OMG !
Newbie Affiliate marketer hereā€¦maybe you just need an " Irresistible offer " to start making sales.
Just a newbie thought.

Thanks for sharing and I enjoyed your work flow charting as wellā€¦good stuff bro.
~ Sean

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Hey Sean. Thanks Bro!

Yeah, i was thinking the same. looking at other products.


Hey @mikemakeitso, to address some of your questions.

  1. I like to use a company name & my name. Iā€™d get a logo on Fiverr.com, and sign 'Ilya, Mercury Marketing" for example.
  2. Just a term I used for describing my own content email brodcasts.
  3. Once a week at least i send valuable FREE content to build relationship and trust. Once in a week or two, Iā€™d send an affiliate offer.
  4. 2 content 1 offer, thatā€™s how I go about it more or less.
  5. A warm audience can be used for selling better, when retargeting (meaning custom audience), the call to action should be clear and ready, as youā€™re hoping for a subconscious thought "Damn Iā€™ve seen that thing somewhere already, it really must be good!ā€™.
  6. Iā€™m sorry but I have no experience with that niche, have you tried Digistore24?

Hope it helps a little