Week #1 - Difference between Solo ADs versus Running FB or Google ADs?

Hi All,

Here is my interpretation of Week #1 and Solo ADs content.

  1. Solo ADs Strategy allows you to use “someone” elses "customer List, form somewhere, like email list, where the traffic considered “WARM” traffic, at a GUARANTEED CPC (cost per click) to help manage your budget better.


  1. FB ADs, Where - at least from the start, you are running traffic to a COLD audience and it’s not known what the CPC will be until you complete your AB testing of ADs

If I missed something basic, please share and some comments.

Would we be able to know how WARM the Sol AD traffic is, and once we see some sales occurring, would be we able to get customer information to create new LAL )look-a-like audiences)?

Enjoying how John goes about providing the information and training. Easy to understand concepts and he seems super likable. Thank John!
