Week 1 A question from Bryan Biscoe presentation?

Hello everyone,
I have a question about Bryan Biscoe explanation?
He often talks about his own website. Where the traffic is forwarded to its own website to be able to follow up on Facebook again. But if you do not currently have your own website, how can you approach the leads on Facebook again? He also talks about his own landing page or capture page. How can you ensure that you have these resources so that you do not lose your leads from Udimi?

Howdyā€¦Sean from Las Vegas, and I just signed up for the SAS course.
I would take Johnā€™s advice and DO THE WORK. I know your doing that. But maybe go back and review Solo Ads videos from Brian B and setup the resources he talked about in those trainings.
My big take away from Brian Bā€™s videos was the FaceBook Pixel tracking the Udimi leads that are sent to your Squeeze / landing page. Itā€™s alot of info, but do your best to implement those HUGE tips.

I ran my 1st Solo ad of 100 clicks, and DID NOT have the FaceBook tracking link implemented !!! UGH : (((
NOW, I know what to do to re-target the peeps who didnt Optin to my landing page.

I hope this helpsā€¦


Hey Jeff, have you searched the forum before posting? :slight_smile:

Solo ads are there in Week 1 to give you a glimpse on marketing procedures, and how easy it can be to generate traffic and get attention to your links/products/website. The course was reconstructed a little to include them in the beginning so indeed Brian talks about Facebook and about your website, though itā€™s not up yet. Iā€™d recommend you to take some notes and wait for next modules, everything will be more than clear as you move forward, your website will be up on week 2.

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