Website up and working

Now that I have my website up and running, and when you type in my web name it goes right to Johns page. However, now that I have this webpage, how do I send traffic to it… Do I use the click bank link again, and run a campaign like in the previous videos, how does my website name come into play…??
Thanks for any help…

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Hi. When Click Funnels is your source of building/advertisement, then you will ultimately use the Click Funnel Link just above the Presell, Sale, Opt-in Page. It would be a good suggestion to convert that link to a Domain Name. It would be more publicly acceptable.

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Hello Roy,
This is my first week,
Can you help me with setting up my website ?
I have signed up with blue host.

Hey @GIVEIT1TRY, traffic is the name of the game. Along the course, you’ll learn the various ways to generate traffic using Google / Facebook / YouTube ads and free traffic methods.

@patropeinvestmentinc, everything will become clear on the second module about your website :slight_smile:

Are you guys participating in the weekly webinars? If not, REGISTER, and here are some of the latest replays :slight_smile:

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Hi peeps…
Sean here…just wanted to say that I reworked my Bluehost website and linked it with my Clickfunnel account / landing page ! Followed John’s video step by step and BAM !! Links and Bluehost working like a Champ…

For everyone who may be a bit " Dazed and Confused" by the learning curve, just attend the wekly webinars offered here in the community and stick with it.
Like llyaG our support manager says…it will all start to come into FOCUS once we all progress thru the course. : )
~ Sean

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