Website provider

does it matter that I prefer to use a different domain company other than coolhandle

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Hey Susan!

Not at all, the hosting provider is entirely up to you.

If you have an existing host account, for example with GoDaddy, you can use this one :slight_smile:

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i was about to ask the same Q:

So the course takes us through and sets up and changes the domain to the SAS and a loaded presell page that is also for the SAS. Now if we want to maybe market another or multiple, we would have to purchase multiple domains, and then set all those up the same way with different presell pages and what not?

Am i thinking that through right?

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good question , maybe Sabrina can help us understand that …

You need a new presell page for each product but you can promote multiple products under the same website domain by using sub domains.

If using clickfunnels, you can add a new page using the CF plugin in WP.

You can review how to setup a SubDomain in Coolhandle here:

You can review how to setup a SubDomain in Bluehost here:

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Hey Sabrina. I am having trouble attaching a presell page to a subdomain. The link you showed was for addon domains. Are we supposed to create an addon domain or a subdomain for a new presell page? Also, after creation, how do we attach the presell page?

@JohnP Yes, that is correct. You need a new subdomain or new domain for a new funnel. I googled it and found this tutorial. Hope this helps.

Here is our guide to setting up subdomains in Coolhandle and Bluehost.

You will need to create add on domains :slight_smile:

N.B: Subdomains are only required if using the manual method.

If using clickfunnels, you can simply add a new page to your site by using the CF plugin in WordPress.

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Sabrina, you’re all around awesome! Thanks for always taking the time to help us :wink:

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Any time!

If you ever get stuck, myself or @IlyaG are always happy to help.

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