Website Not Active

Good day everyone!

I have set-up my Bluehost website; however, it still shows “coming soon”. I did not complete anyother steps other than “select theme”. Did you all create your content and forms? I am confused and can not post any campaigns until my website is “active”.

Bluehost charges a one-time set-up fee of $99 to set up website, which I was not interested in if not necessary.

If you could help me with any direction, I appreciate your assistance!


Kelly, this is an easy fix generally.

Log into your bluehost account, then go to ‘sites’ on the left hand side menu. Then over over your domain and ‘log in to Wordpress’. Then click that orange ‘coming soon active’ banner above. And choose to launch the site or deactivate the ‘coming soon’. Then it should all work :slight_smile: