Website congruency

Does it matter if my domain name does not match my presell? Example: Say that my domain is “” but there is a dog training presell page connected to it so that’s what loads. Does this make it confusing for the customer? If so maybe I should consider upgrading my bluehost hosting service?

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Hi! It doesen’t really matter how you name your domain! What’s really important is the CONGRUENCY OF THE FUNNEL (Ad, presell page, vendor’s page) !!! Focus on this congruency! :wink: :muscle:


Awesome! Thanks so much @Marco.Buccella :smiley:

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I agree with @Marco.Buccella on this. :ok_hand:

It doesn’t really matter that much, since when you are promoting through network ads such as Google and Facebook, you are supplying the link to your traffic for them.

As what one of our member’s said on the same topic to this, you are not relying on your customers to remember your webpage name.

What matters is your ad copy corresponds to your presell page which also corresponds to the vendor’s page.

I hope this helps.

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@lizette1 very helpful, thank you for your reply.

The more I thought about it the more I realized that it’s such a small detail. It’s seems very much like trying to be perfect which I remember John saying kills sales.

Also you helped me realize that it’s not like the customer will ever really be typing in my websites URL…they will just be redirected to it.

Thanks again! :+1: :+1:


I’m glad I was able to help. :slight_smile: And thanks to @Marco.Buccella as well for the on-point insight. :+1:

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Thanks a lot! I try to give my contribution, where i can… :blush: :smiley:

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