Website: bluehost

Help please!

I am in the process of making a payment on the BLUEHOST site… So for those that have registered, are we paying $106. immediately or just $2.95 today and then monthly as stated.

I Cann’t find the link to set up website under the source. any ideas please ?


You are paying for the full 36 months (3yrs) at the price of $2.95. So up front you will pay $106 right now, and won’t have to worry about making any payments for 3yrs. There is an option to pay for 1yr, but that will cost $4 and change, but you will pay around $71 instead. which ever option you choose just know it will get you closer to you end goal.

I hope this helps :+1:t5: :smiley:

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@GoldenChild Explained the payment options perfectly :slight_smile:
@almazhab, I’m not sure which link are you looking for, you mind being more specific?