Web site vs landing page

Hello Super Affiliates,

I have a stupid Q.

Where does the landing page live ? Is it a part of my web site which I am yet to create ?

Can the landing page URL be the same as the clickbank URL provided to the affiliate ? Will that work ?


Iā€™m answering my own Q, the reason being - I told myself to go wath the vids again, and sure enough I found the answer.

My understanding is - I can promote a product without building my own landing page for it. I can paste the clickbank provided affiliate URL in the email swipe and thatā€™s the laziest way to promote something.

A landing page would be handy if I were also targeting for traffic by other means e.g., G search etc.

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Donā€™t worry I am as confused as I am not as computer literate as them obviously I am doing my best. Good luck

I just wanted to commend you for finding your answer and sharing what you found! Shares like this helps everybody! Keep spreading the Cheer and you will thrive!

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Hello aeratbag,
My heart goes out to you. This can be pretty savvy stuff in terms of computer literacy. Just eat this elephant one bite at a time. Be super kind and supportive of you as you take on this learning curve, knowing that every step of the way is taking you toward your dreams coming true. Know that I am fairly computer literate and I have to talk myself off the ceiling of overwhelm a number of times a day. Overwhelm is just an old habit, meant to keep us ā€œsafeā€ by keeping everything the same. Know that you are breaking through barriers of mediocrity that have kept you bound from believing and having the affluence and lifestyle you desire. You are breaking out of the bondage of social, cultural and familial programming. Keep your eye on your goals, feeling the feelings of already having them, and YOU WILL PREVAIL!!! Youā€™ve got this! :muscle: ~Maureen


Your words help thank you. It feels overwhelming and tricky to find everything.

Glad you figured it out @ramakant.duggal!

Watching the videos can be very helpful in figuring problems out especially if you feel you may have missed something first time around :slight_smile:

Hi @Sabrina

I am trying to understand something please, I created my website with a couple of posts on it and a couple of pages - contact, about, privacy policy, etc.
Currently, my recent posts appear on my home page but I created a separate opt-in page, where I am giving away a free book - (to try and build my email list). Where would I place this opt-in page? Itā€™s not that long but itā€™s not just a short little block either. Should I place that at the top of my homepage with the recent posts underneath so that people see it first when visiting my website or would you recommend I place it elsewhere?