Victor From Panama

Hello. I actually got Super Affiliate System 3.0 in November of 2019. Unfortunately, just as I was starting my journey, COVID-19 struck. In my country, we had a complete nationwide shutdown that completely impaired my ability to get funds for paid ads, and now that it is over and things are getting back on track, I decided to start from scratch. I am SUPER stoked with the new LMS. It is LEAPS and BOUNDS superior to the old layout. I am soooo looking forward to going through everything again!!!


Hi there, @vperez! And welcome back to the SAS family. Looking forward to be working with you again. :smiley:

Hey Victor @vperez, of course I am very sad to hear that your country was hit hard by this pandemic. These are difficult times and all of us had to suffer to some extend :pray: Nevertheless, what is important now is that we all get back on our feet and back on track! So congratulations for your determination! Your efforts and your hard work will eventually be rewarded! :muscle:
Thank you for the positive feedback on the new course - please enjoy this and make the most out of it!!!

Keep well, stay safe and make it happen! :white_check_mark: GOOD LUCK!