URL in You tube

In the ads in Google, when we put the Youtube video, the curse said
Put your blog, his(//travelmoney.life), I only have one webpage, I am supposing is our web???
If somebody can answer ASAP
Thank you


Yes Elsabret2020, it is your website on both lines. John seems to use the terms blog, website and domain interchangeably, which I think all mean the same thing here.


Hi Elsa! I had the same question. I have asked support. Did you try running your ad using the opt-in page URL?

Hi, just wondering if the support folks confirmed what azgram20 said above - that we use the website we registered on bluehost back in week1.

If I understood azgram20’s answer then we would be using our web address (URL) from the website we setup with Bluehost (or other hosting service if chose to use another). Sorry to be so anal about this but I work in IT & I’m used to working with very explicit & detailed answers :smile: