Update the week 1 Module please

Hi I just started to to learn with week 1 and I noticed, that Clickbank has updated their website. To see the video of John and have to figure out where do I find the sings in the new version is pretty anoing and takes extra time.
So I would like to ask you to please for the further new comers update this section for better training quality and for a smoother course.

Thank you very much.

Hi @bubukaballet, weā€™ll have the updated video about this included in the new course. But thank you for raising this up. :slight_smile:

HI Support. I missed this morningā€™s live (Iā€™m in Australia) There was discussion about the new course and people gaining access to it asap but only if they were on the live? I am awaiting the replay but how do I get the new content. Iā€™m currently in week 2 and would love to have the new stuff ā€¦please?

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Hi @mak, you should also be receiving a separate email from us with your SAS Pro login details soon. :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Happy dance. :grin::dancer:

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Hi @mak, have you received the email and logged in to SAS Pro?

I have indeed. Thanks so much!!

Hello ,
Iā€™m from Australia too and missed out on the live training. I still donā€™t have access to the new course thatā€™s been rolled out. Please can you help me.

Thank you.

Hi @fred212012, you should be receiving a separate email from us with your SAS Pro log in details shortly. Hope youā€™ll enjoy it!

Hey Fred. Welcome fellow Aussie :wave::smile:

Hi there!

I have just bought the course yesterday, but I still see the old Clickbank video! My course is named ā€œSuper Affiliate System 3.0.ā€ Am I on the old course? How is this possible?

Hi @seppanensalla1, the SAS Pro is yet to launch to everyone, however we are giving early access to existing SAS members. You can email [email protected] to request access to SASPro.

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