Unplug From Distractions

Can’t believe the amount of emails and distracting things I have unplugged from. Now getting fewer and fewer distractions!

Awesome! Well done Bob! So now you can focus and give 200% dedication :muscle:

Hi This is Anesh. New member

@wilcox_bob Great to know about you unplugging… would you mind sharing what steps you took to unplug. I am also flooded with so many mails…

Hey adsunder… Like you I have been inundated with emails. Instead of just deleting, which is what I normally do, I am now opening each one and “unsubscribing” from each. I am starting to see a lessening of email traffic. Also trying to stay away from Facebook and Twitter. Family photos are on Instagram so I remain there once in a while. Have been away from the training for a while due to some family circumstances but now starting to allocate time back into training.

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