Unable to Set up PreSell page-Help!

I was following the video how to set up the presell page but i am lost now. Looking for help:

Once I click on setting, i do not see the Edit Survey option. What I am doing wrong?

Hover over the text in the survey, click the orange cog icon and edit survey options. Then survey outcomes, default outcomes and change the affiliate link in custom redirect.

Use control and V to paste the link and press enter. Dont forget to save changes.

Hey Sabrina,

Thank you. I recently apply for ad campaign and waiting to be approved.

I figured it out, and my page is set up…:))

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Hi Sabrina,

Does the survey only work for Click-funnels? The code in the system for the manual has the survey in the code but for me it is not visible in the manual method. Am I missing something?


Hi Mark,

I replied to your ticket in the support desk regarding this.

The survey should show up using the manual method, but it only has 3 questions.